Subject: | Hacking Pool |
Date: | 8-FEB-1992 13:46 |
Reply-To: Discussion of the Fantasy game ShadowRun <SHADOWRN@*****.BITNET>
Sender: Discussion of the Fantasy game ShadowRun <SHADOWRN@*****.BITNET>
From: Ben Jordan <jordanbd@***.BELOIT.EDU>
Subject: Re: Military, Bioware, Bombs, & other stuff
In-Reply-To: <9311300112.AA08582@***> from "S. Keith Graham"
at Nov
29, 93 08:11:43 pm
I like what you have said. I agree that most of the imaging equipment and
radios etcetra will be external. I think that wired and dermal are the way
to go with military types. Supply folks would have very little in
cyberware. Recon