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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: J. Keith Henry neojudas@******************.com
Subject: Headware Memory (Re: Decker Mage was Re: A Van...)
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 01:37:37 -0500
From: "Rand Ratinac" <docwagon101@*****.com>
Subject: Re: Decker Mage was Re: A Van...

> *Doc' boggles at Gurth...*

You aren't the only one ...

> Get yourself an opticam and recorder and record your
> meets. That way you can go back over what was said AND
> you have dirt on the Johnson and your teammates if
> anyone tries to screw you over.

Always a good move for yourself, but in a world of "self denial" and "never
knew the guy" types, it isn't going to work really well without some
concerted effort.

> Get an image link and/or display link. Upload text
> files or other junk to headware memory, then use the
> link to display it whenever you need it. You can now
> give a flawless speech. :) A really useful trick is to
> use the image link to view maps (not as good as a
> GPS/Orientation System combo, but less essence
> intensive).

Yes, this last is especially nice. The only real problem is that the map
doesn't "auto-correct" it's location without some kind of input from the

> Here's one I just came up with - I've got a character
> with headware memory, an opticam and an image link. He
> can AUTOMATICALLY see through mana-based illusions.
> How? The opticam records to memory. Neither of those
> are effected by the illusion, so you record the REAL
> picture. Then you upload the recording to the image
> link and you can see what's REALLY going on.

And you are probably going to see it at LEAST one complex action too late in
most regards.... ;-P

> Record passwords, birthdays, bank account numbers,
> phone numbers, your clothing size...
> Lord, Gurth, the possibilities are literally ENDLESS...

Here, let me toss one out that has recently started happening. The rigger
is now starting to get REALLY involved with things since we streamlined a
bunch of things out for him. His big thing is to obtain the imbedded maps
that a lot of the site drones use/are using and download them to his own
memory (often on his deck, he ports it to his headware memory and/or a
modified BattleTAC link on occasion). Gave the rigger a reason to learn
computers (it's a variation on a FILES test for him, but without all the
nasty target number usually).

Now the team is starting to use the rigger for their site map acquisitions
as much as they did the decker, and the two of them start comparing maps as
they've noticed that the maps the drones have often have "loopholes" in
security control perimeters that their recons may not have uncovered.

The rigger is also using his memory to start to store "channels" that he
occasionally picks up, especially when he is working in an area with more
operating channels than his deck can handle (you break into the places they
are right now and you'll understand completely).

I usually only require him to use 1-3 MP per channel, but the most recent
location has somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 different channels of a
variety of different protocol variations (rigger, security, technician,
ASIST, subharmonic....). Hell, at this rate I can easily see him asking the
two deckers in the party to come up with a Frame of some kind to help him
start coordinating this kind of stuff. If of course, he doesn't decide to
say "screw it" and just write his own now...

NeoJudas ("K" to some...)
Hoosier Hacker House (


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.