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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Manolis Skoulikas great_worm@*****.com
Subject: A Van that is also a Boat that is also a Submarine...
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 19:59:50 +0300
Colin Pickup wrote:
> In message <393364A2.BA95ADFA@*****.com>, Manolis Skoulikas
> <great_worm@*****.com> writes
> >This is a Van that is also a Boat that is also a Submarine...
> >
> >One of my players made this baby after some time of trying...
> >Check it out and tell me what you think...
> >(just let me point out the cost of 407100 nuyen and what it can do in
> >comparison)
> >
> >
> > "Wet Death 3-666"
> >
> >
> >Handling Speed Accel Body Armour Sig
> > -1/10 260 14 5 18 8
> At this point I would have given the sheet back to him and made him
> munch it.

Is THAT where the term "munchkin" derives from? :))))

> Also: Doesn't that mean that it has rating 10 handling when in water?
> Add a couple of modifiers to that and he could be finding it very hard
> to actually use the water-borne aspects of it. TN 12 is a Hard TN unless
> you're rolling 18+ dice.

Not if you have VCR 2.

> >Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
> > 0 3 4 1.5 507
> >Seating 4 Setup/Breakdown 0
> > Entry 2 Landing/Takeoff N
> > Fuel Diesel ( 250 liters ) Economy 4 km/liter
> >DP Cost 3666 Cost 407100
> >Template Van ReferenceThe Shop
> >
> <Munch>

Or THAT? :)

> >Btw the player is a mage that is also a decker that is also a rigger
> >(talk about hybrids)
> >and "Yes!He is the most obscene power gamer I have ever seen" You
> >see what he's done with the free loa spirits he has bound...
> >
> BTW: Is he one of those 'my character is so much better than yours', 'I
> can do anything better than you' types? Just wondering. (if so I dislike
> him already)
> --

Actually he never tells anybody that. But a couple of times people tried
to pull a fast one on him they ended up as his zombies. :) Well not
actually but they stood confused by his spirits before they even
conyemplated to harm him.

But you can go ahead and hate him all you like. I know everyone else
does. :)
In any case I am forwarding this string to him any day now, so if any
body wants to say something to him, be my guest (litterally!)

If anybody remembers the story with the frozen water and barriers, he's
the one that made me think about it!
You see? anything can be dealt with without any home rules and bullying.

the wiz


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.