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From: Phil Smith phil_urbanhell@*******.com
Subject: Survival
Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2000 09:57:00 GMT
Spending a week in a small caravan tends to make the mind wander and I may
have been thinking about this too hard but, there aren't any rules out there
for basic survival is there?

I was once told that the human body can go seven minutes without air, seven
days without water and seven weeks without food, and there even exists
bioware (like Digestive Expansion) to artificially alter these times.

Suffocation is covered in the Companion.

Sleep Depravation; In Harlequin's Back it (kind of) says that each night
without sleep leaves a character with a light stun wound. I would add to
that that if the insomnia is involuntary, to stay awake the character has to
roll willpower against a TN equal to the number of days he or she has not
been sleeping for, plus wound modifiers. So after skipping one night's
sleep the TN to stay awake is 2, after 2 nights; 3, 3 nights; 5 and so on.
If a character drinks sufficient ammounts of cafine they could presuade the
GM to reduce this TN, stim patches lower the wound modifiers. The only way
to heal this stun is by sleeping; every 4 hours of sleep cures one box.

Starvation; Not sure about this one, characters would become increasingly
weak and prone to passing out which could be covered with stun damage(?).
After a few days without food the body starts to eat itself; muscles are
digested and such, this could reduce the character's body and strength,
possibly perminantly.

Dehydration; Not sure about this one either; In ED (main book, pg 215) a
character needs "one quart of water per day to remain healthy". I have no
idea how 3 points of damage translates to SR having only been playing ED for
5 days :)> Heat would increase the required intake of water.

Travel; (A la SR.Comp; fatigue) A character can walk for a number of hours
equal to their body (lengthened by some kind of athletics test). After this
time they suffer 4L stun but may continue, taking 8L stun after 20 minutes,
16L after 40 and so on.

This is as far as I've got, but then, having little knowledge in human
biology I have based this all on guess work. If anyone has any ideas bring
them forth:)>

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