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From: Augustus shadowrun@*********.net
Subject: Chemistry (or is it Chemestry? :-P )
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 08:05:23 -0700
----- Original Message -----
From: Hahns Shin <Hahns_Shin@*******.com>
To: <shadowrn@*********.com>
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 1:38 AM
Subject: Chemistry (or is it Chemestry? :-P )

> I'd like
to know what uses a
> player can have for the Chemistry skill (other than the ones mentioned in
> Shadowtech or Man and Machine, such as DIY drugs or Chem analysis).

The last character that I ran was this scientist guy... although chemistry
was my main field of expertise, I was also into firearms b/r and some of the
other physical sciences.

So anyhow... after abit I kinda ran my character as a cross between The
Professor and MacGyver...

So as runs were going down, I would do abit of improvising with stuff...
Although I did maintain a lab to work with (had a kit and a portable shop),
I also did some improvising with things that I found on runs and carried
with me.

Usually we didn't delve too far into true chemistry (that is, we didn't
analyze the true feasability of what I was trying with the actual laws of
chemistry). Instead, more often I would tell the GM what I hoped to
accomplish, and he would set a time and target number that I needed to
accomplish said feat...

ie: if I said... "Well, I'm in the janitors closet with all these chemicals,
and I have some stuff on me, can I whip up some kinda knockout gas with this
stuff?" and the GM might make a roll and say "Yes there are the right
chemicals here... you would be looking at a time of 10 minutes with a Target
Number of 4"

So then I'd make my roll, and if I didn't have anything to 'deliver' it
with... (like empty gas grenades that I could 'fill' with my created
compound) then I'd roll other skills, like demolitions b/r or firearms b/r
to whip up some sorta delivery method.

Eventually I built this weapon I called a Chem Thrower... similar in almost
every way to a flame thrower, except it was made to hold and propell some of
my chemical compounds (it used compressed air cartridges to create enough
air pressure to actually spray the chemicals)... and also I eventually built
up my own grenade launcher... one that used a replaceable explosive... so I
had to only fill and load the grenades, and then I inserted my own explosive
to launch the grenades.

Anyhow... using a skill like chemistry or physics or whatever in the game is
all dependant on the GM... if your GM is 'out to get you' and just tries to
shoot down your ideas... then you are probably wasting your time until there
are some 'preset' rules from Fasa that cover what you want to do (I say this
as my 'disclaimer' since there are lots of GMs out there that work that way)

Anyways... those are my thoughts,



These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.