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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Ahuizotl cuellare@*******
Subject: Oriental Vampires (was A Van that is also a Boat that is also
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 01:37:16 -0500
> LOL. Anyone tried a Vampire / Shadowrun crossover? :)
> DarkFyre
> --
Yes I'm guilty of this charge. :-)
I have storytelling (that's the name of Gmastering?) a Vampire game where
the characters found themselve in a strange word after 50 years of "torpor?
" As you can guess it was the shadowrun future. At the same time a group of
runners meet with some very strange vampires that claim that they was in the
earth before the awakening and that they share the earth with the metahuman
for centuries. There was a little "what you do in one game affect the
other game" and finally a Vampire sit this side of the table and
shadowrunners in this other site. (2 GM and 1 storyteller for running the
game) big finale. It was good. Long time ago the players of the shadowrun
side never hear about vampire before this so every thing they found about
vampire clans and legends was new to them. The vampire side never had heard
of shadowrun so they enjoy this "strange bladerunner with AD&D cross over
word". It was a big effort of change of the rules, double cross Word of
darkness setting with Shadowrun ( the last nights with the awakening,
werewolf that swear that they was the ones that call Gaia and teach
conjuring, the travels to the metaplanes, and the same time old mage that
said the same but in thweir point ofr view. Everybody telling that Coyote
was one of their kind, a pact between the Technocracy and the traditions.
Well you get the idea) and approximation of game mechanics. (Don't ask
about, I think I loss the file but I'm still looking) Was fun to do it but
I don't think I will try again soon. (I'm getting old you know :-))


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.