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From: Fyre - AKA Colin fyre@******
Subject: Martial Arts Redux
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 18:04:33 +0100
Hmm. I like that. You keep the general martial arts types, and the base
Unarmed Combat skill, but have the actual skill as a knowledge based
skill which represents how martial arts are more about intelligence than

Your idea game me an idea:
A character could specialise unarmed combat in any of the martial arts
techniques he knows (it'd be a bit silly to specialise in one he didn't)
but whenever he is not using that technique (perhaps even a move from
that technique?) he is busted down to his base unarmed combat.

A character learns moves with martial arts as normal, 1 every second
level of the base skill, and whenever he attempts to use this move he
must make a martial arts roll against a TN of 4 (with appropriate
unarmed combat modifiers).

1 success is enough to pull the move off, if it fails, the martial
artist is in an inferior position to the opponent, but can still roll
their unarmed combat to avoid, although not attack, the opponent.

If the user does succeed with the martial arts roll, the move is used as
described in the cannon companion, but perhaps extra successes in the
martial arts roll could do something?

In article <******>,
dbuehrer@****** writes
>I just had an interesting idea.
>Let's say that Martial Arts is defined as a knowledge skill that can be
>used as a complimentary skill for unarmed combat.
>What do you think of the idea of ruling that a character can counter attack
>*only* if they achieve successes from the complimentary Martial Arts dice;
>and if they are facing another martial artist, they have to get more
>successes on their martial arts dice then the opponent gets on his martial
>arts dice to counter attack.
>Otherwise, if the defender get's more successes then their attacker, but
>fail to generate any successes on from their martial arts dice, or fail to
>get more martial arts successes than their attacker, they avoid being hit
>and do not counter attack.
>To Life,
>"Earn what you have been given."



These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.