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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Manolis Skoulikas great_worm@*****.com
Subject: More translations, please...
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 22:23:24 +0300
Ahuizotl wrote:
> > At last somebody from Aztlan! And living in Tenochtitlan to boot! :)
> Like my friend always said we don´t play shadowrun we live sahdowrun :-)

Aint it true?

> >
> > Give us the inside info amigo!
> SSHHH this is not a secure channel i will give little pieces from time to
> time :-)
> (of course what you want to know )
> > How is it down there?
> RL or in Game :-)


and give us some info on the game scene too!

> In My personal point of view I hope my grandchildren died in the Yucatan
> jungle fighting for freedom, or running the shadows as Mexicans.

I once played a long campaign involving the Yucatan rebellion!
My favorite character "Wiz" retired in the Yucatan helping the guerillas
against Aztechnology!
But he started out as Greek so he couldn't have been your grandchild!

> Well any questions ;-) in short we like a lot FASA Aztlan, there something
> that could be better but well they do their best and by the way I can
> correct Aztlan names for free if FASA wants ;-) Is moctezuma not motecuhzoma
> and moctezuma II was a absolutist son of a ... that pizz of many people that
> why the join Cortez in the figth agains Aztecas, He also belive tha Cortez
> was a god. The Stupid.

Please make the appropriate corrections on the names!
I hate to say something wrong and not know it!

Tell us about that Aztec game with the rubber ball and the hoop on the
There was a string some months before but nobody could get decent info.
Tlachtli was it called. Did the victors really take the estate of the
people who watced?
Were they sacrificed (the winners or the losers)?
what were the rules?

If one visited the Mexican shadows, what kind of fashion statements
would he see that would diffrentiate the Mexican srunner from any other?
Aztec or contemporary...

Are mexicans as spirited and ready to fight as they are portrayed in the

what kind of religous significance do feathered serpents have

How is the countryside?
Lots of barren Lands with little vegetation
The mountains, are they rolling hills, or are they rugged and difficult
to climb? Are they forested?
What about villages and small towns? Are there many of them, or most
people live in big cities?
What is the population of the country\side do as a living? Farming or

The fashion inthe streets? You have been to other countries. Is it very

the medical care?

The Goverment?Does it take bribes?Do you have some tpoliticians who
defend the people?

The police?

> > > "I do care about my English,I do care about my English,I do care about
> my
> > > English,I do care about my English,I do care about my English,...."
> > > >
> > Where are the other 996 times?
> My dog eat my transmition ?

Not unless he is a smart frame! :)

> > And do'nt use control+V cause I'll know! :)
> o god.. I do care about my english i do care about my english ....


the wiz


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.