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From: J. Keith Henry neojudas@******************.com
Subject: Optional Otaku Revisions
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 01:48:22 -0500

From: "Tzeentch" <tzeentch666@*********.net>
Subject: Optional Otaku Revisions

> The following is a slightly revised version of the Otaku rules I developed
> for my The Matrix submission. It was not part of my final submission so
> changed the rules to follow existing SR3/VR2 mechanics as much as

Oh yeah, there we go. LOVE that line.

> Comments are of course welcome. Text in brackets [] denotes text changed
> from the original manuscript.
> The following rules take precedence over the rules presented in Virtual
> Realities 2.0 and Renraku Arcology: Shutdown.

The basic idea here is fine enough.

> Most otaku are members of "tribes". Although these usually bear little
> resemblence to such organizations in the NAN and elsewhere. Instead they
> more loose organizations for self-protection and showing those with the
> talent how to connect to the Deep Resonance. They typically bear more
> resemblence to street gangs then a "tribe", many are actually just as
> vicious as the most depraved go-gang - using their unique abilities to
> as much damage as they can.

And this is WAY too wide-spread a description to assign.

> The Deep Resonance is the poorly understood phenomena that most otaku go
> through at some point in their early teens. The exact experience varies,
> many otaku describe it in terms reminiscent of the totemic experience that
> shaman's experience. Others claim no special milestone, they claim to
> wake up one day with a profound understanding of the Matrix, suddenly
> perceiving the flow of information and data as patterns and symbols, much
> a mage.

And *THIS* analogy is what in so many ways started the level of confusion to
begin with.

> Whatever the mystical or physical reality of the Deep Resonance the
> are quite remarkable. The otakus neurological structure alters itself to
> allow direct neural interface with the Matrix, enabling the otaku to
> without a computer. In essence he becomes a living computer.
> Either the priority system (p. 54, SR3) or the points-based system (p. xx,
> Shadowrun Companion (SRComp)) may be used to generate decker characters.
> If an otaku character is created using the priority system then the
> following restrictions apply:
> 1. Otaku must assign Priority A to Magic and E to Resources. They do not
> spell points or magical abilities. This represents their "adept" abilities
> in the Matrix.

Okay, I can almost understand this, but I don't quite get the joke. I may
remember to come back to this in a bit.

> 2. Otaku characters start play with a datajack and ASIST converter. This
> cyberware does not cost the otaku money.

Nice trick, but given any other special abilities, as minor as it may seem,
it still remains unbalancing IMHO.

> It costs 30 points to play an otaku.
> Otaku fall into two broad groupings: the cyberadepts and the
> Both groups exhibit largely identical abilities, but have very different
> views on the Matrix and the Deep Resonance. Players are required to choose
> path for their otaku character upon character generation.

> The technoshamans take a more holistic approach, often viewing the Matrix
> a living being. In this respect they view themselves as avatars of the
> Matrix's will, and see the Resonance as proof. Many technoshamans claim
> spirits of the Matrix are also active, aiding the otaku and their plans.
> Game Effects
> Technoshamans increase the effective rating of their Pattern skills by 1.
> This represents their approach to 'blending' with the Matrix as a unified
> whole.

In a word, No!!! After reading through and seeing what a "Pattern Skill"
is, this is just NOT a good idea.

> The Mental Attributes are even more important for otaku then they are for
> deckers, for they are the basis of their Living Persona. In particular,
> Intelligence and Willpower are the most important attributes for otaku. It
> is not uncommon for otaku to be physically disabled, coupled with
> high intelligence and determination
> Charisma matters even less for otaku then deckers, with most otaku having
> subzero Charisma. Many otaku appear very strange and many people will
> negatively to their presence. They are not like normal people, and it
> through.

Uh, geesh, and neither are magicians and Charisma still plays an important
part to them. Ken, I know you have a very personal thing (and it may even
be shared by some), but by doing this adjustment to Charisma, you are
tipping the scales of power by way of the attribute point allocations.

> Physical skills are largely unimportant to an otaku, and it is the rare
> otaku who could be called strong for his metahuman type. Many otaku are
> almost crippled by infirmity in fact. The only physical attribute of any
> value is Body, which is used when resisting the effects of grey or black

There are better ways around this btw....

> Computer
> All otaku characters must start play with a Computer Skill of at least 6.
> The normal skill limit for characters (p. 43, SR3) does not apply for
> otakuin regards to the Computer Skill. Otaku may possess a Computer Skill
> high as 8 during character generation.

This vaguely makes sense to me.

> Hardware Specialization
> Otaku have little need for any knowledge of hardware. They themselves do
> use computers once they experience the Deep Resonance. Thus this
> specialization is rarely found in any otaku.

And this is probably so incorrect as to not be funny. The Tribes alone
would have to find ways of creating, finding or physically hacking/tieing
into a hardline in order to get their access if for no other reason. There
are also so many things that you get in your understanding of Computers as a
whole if you also are familiar with the hardware support end of things. You
know this as a person, I don't understand why you would make this statement.

> Decking Specialization
> Most otaku specialize in this aspect of Computer Use. It represents the
> otaku's intimate understanding of the Matrix and how to manipulate it.
> otaku, even at a very young age, have the skills and experience that only
> the most veteran deckers can match.

Okay, this I can see.

> Programming Specialization
> Most otaku possess some level of programming skill from their period of
> mentorship. But once they experience the Deep Resonance they have little
> need to further explore the field. Some otaku do take an interest in it
> though, using their skills to support the tribe.

And how and not taking the interests in regular programming is almost a
bad-thing. Again, if for no other reason that to earn stuff to help support
their Tribe.

> Cybernetics Specialization
> Almost no otaku specializes in this facet of the Computer Skill.

I can see this even though mine own Otaku character has specifically started
picking up knowledge skills in this area in order to support his samurai and
rigger pals better.

> Etiquette
> Otaku characters must specialize in either Street or Decker when choosing
> Etiquette skills. They may learn other Etiquette skills during the course
> play.

Uhm, okay... BIG goof up here. Charisma is the link to Social Skills and by
forcing this choice in their specializations you are literally creating an
oxymoron/incongruity in the mechanics as whole. Charisma is an art of
expression, both unconsciously and consciously. Even the Otaku are aware of

> Otaku Skills
> In addition to normal skills, otaku also possess special skills unique to
> them. In particular pattern, channel, and complex form skills. See below
> details.
> The Deep Resonance turns the otaku's brain into an organic processor core,
> biological cyberdeck if you will. The statistics and ratings for this
> 'system' are based on the otaku's own Mental Attributes.

Ah, but in your mechanics, not the Charisma attribute.

> Operating System
> The otaku's effective [MPCP]Rating is equal to the average of his
> Intelligence and Willpower Attribute.


> Initiative
> Otaku have a number of Initiative dice equal to their Intelligence in the
> Matrix. They have as many Initiative Dice as their Resonance Pool.

Uhm, erhm... WOW!!! I want this one. I really REALLY want this one. Would
have proved incredibly helpful tonight.

> I/O
> If using the optional bandwidth rules (p. xx) otaku have an effective I/O
> Rating equal to their Intelligence x 100.

Yeah yeah, same old same old... ;-)

> Enhanced Attributes
> The altered neurological structure of the otaku is not compatible with any
> external improvements. In fact, modifications to the otakus natural
> Intelligence and Willpower are detrimental in regards to the Deep
> For this reason, improvements to the otakus Intelligence or Willpower by
> means other then through spending Karma Points will reduce their Attribute
> for purposes of calculating their Living Persona values and skills.

Say what???? Interesting twist I must admit, but totally uncalled for.
Creating this many additional twists to the mechanics of a single class is
going to do nothing more than limit their playability. Just because you
don't enjoy them, doesn't mean you should directly interfere with the
enjoyment of another player.

> For example, and otaku with Intelligence-4 who receives an Cerebral
> Booster-2 would have an effective Intelligence of 6 for standard tasks,
> only 2 for purposes of calculating his Living Persona values.

And there is another inconsistency you are fueling here... and I will get to
this one...

> Each otaku understands the Matrix in subtle ways far beyond that of even
> most experienced decker. This understanding translates into special skills
> that only otaku possess.

Blah blah blah

> Enhanced Attributes
> As stated above the Deep Resonance has profound affects on an otaku's
> neurochemistry. These changes are not necessarily compatible with bioware
> and cyberware that enhance mental attributes.
> Cyberware and bioware that affect skill tasks (Encephalon, Cerebral
> Mnemonic Enhancer) have no effect on Otaku Skills. Task Pools may not be
> used with Otaku Skills. In addition, for purposes of calculating the cost
> raise skills use the otaku subtracts any artificial Attribute bonuses from
> the base stat for purposes of calculating costs, even if the enhancements
> are treated as "natural".

Again, I go WHAT?!? WHY?!?

> For example, an otaku with Cerebral Booster-2 has an additional 2
> Intelligence for most tasks, and a Task Pool of 1. This Task Pool may not
> used for any tests made with Otaku Skills, and for purposes of calculating
> the cost to increase his Intelligence-linked skills his effective
> Intelligence is actually reduced by 2.
> Otaku learn four skills that determine the capabilities of their living
> personas connection to the Matrix. These are the Pattern Skills. There are
> four pattern skills, each named for one of the persona programs: Bod,
> Evasion, Masking and Sensors. They represent the level of development and
> understanding the otaku possesses of the Matrix. They operate in all other
> ways as a normal users persona program.
> Specialization
> There are no specializations for pattern skills.
> Starting Skill
> There is no limit to the level of skill an otaku may possess in his
> skills. Otaku start with an amount of skill points equal to their
> Intelligence x 2 that they may distribute among their pattern skills.
> points must be spent on pattern skills and cannot be saved.
> Skill Development
> Pattern skills are linked to Intelligence and are considered to be Active.
> Regular skill points and Karma may be used to increase his pattern

And *this* is where I come back into the topic of the problem/inconsistency
you are creating. Because of the inherent limitations on mental attributes,
you are literally opening the doorway for "Pattern Skills" (aka, BEMS
attributes) to become significantly higher than the associated Living
Persona attribute.

> Suspending Persona Operations
> If using the optional Bandwidth rules (p. xx), otaku may not suspend their
> persona operations.

This at least makes some sense.

> Otaku to not possess, or require, operational utilities to help them
> information services on the Matrix. Instead, they learn five special
> called channels that act in their place. Each of the five channels is
> for one of the five Matrix subsystem ratings: Access, Control, Index,
> and Slave. Whenever an otaku is required to make a Subsystem Test during a
> system operation he uses the appropriate channel skill to lower the target
> number. For example, an Analyze Security operation requires a Control
> A normal decker would use an Analyze utility to lower the target number.
> otaku would use his Control Channel Rating instead.

Again, same old same old ...

> Specialization
> The basic channels are general skills. The otaku may specialize in certain
> actions that mimic the functions of specific utility programs as well. For
> example, Control Channel (Analyze) would mean the otaku would have an
> effective rating 1 higher for performing operations that would use that
> utility, such as Analyze Host; but be at -1 for any others such as
> Datatrail.

And goes against the existing rules for Specializations in the process with
regards to defaulting to related actions. Why?

> Starting Skill
> The otaku may not possess any channel skills higher then Rating 6 during
> character generation. Otaku start with a number of skill points equal to
> their Intelligence and Willpower Attributes x 2 (rounded down) that they
> distribute among their channel skills. Each channel must be assigned at
> least one point from this pool.

Don't have the books with me tonight to make a comparison here. Maybe at a
later date, but my initial response to this is not a good one either.

> Skill Development
> Channel skills are Knowledge Skills and linked to the otaku's Willpower.
> Regular skill points and Karma may be used to increase channel ratings.

Oh brother.... THIS is a huge mistake. Anytime you take a heavily used
skill, especially something of this nature and make it fall within the realm
of "Background Skills", you are immediately opening ones self up for intense
abuse at a later date.

> In addition to their patterns and channels, otaku can learn to create
> constructs that operate in much the same manner as conventional utilities.
> In effect these are 'stable' simple forms that the otaku has improved upon
> and memorized. Complex forms are not 'programs' in the conventional sense.
> The otaku directly manipulates his Living Persona on the Matrix to produce
> the desired effects.
> Starting Skill
> Otaku begin with their Intelligence x 10 points that they may assign to
> Complex Forms. These points are allocated towards the programs programming
> complexity on a 1 for 1 basis.

Given all other things, and your choice of making them (as Otaku) use the
related purchasing systems of magicians, I'm impressed you just didn't
immediately relate the associated spell points for such purposes as the Form
points they begin witih.

> For example, a starting otaku character with an Intelligence of 5 has 50
> points to allocate to complex forms. He buys Attack-5S (costs 5 x 4= 20
> points), Sleaze-5 (for 4x3=1 points), and Armor- (5x5%).

And, given what purpose the Channels perform, this seems like such an
immense doubling up of effects.

> Creating a Complex Form
> Each complex form is a skill, and is linked to the otaku's Intelligence.
> complex form may exceed the average of the otaku's Willpower and
> Intelligence multiplied by 1.5. Complex forms are counted as Language
> for purposes of increasing their ratings. There are no concentrations or
> defaulting for complex form skills. Each complex form is a separate base
> skill, even for forms that mimic differing staging of the same program.
> For example, a complex form that mimics the Attack-5S program is a
> skill from one that mimics the same skill but with a Medium staging.

And this is SO horrid a consideration. This makes the Otaku's complexity of
performing a form (programmish type action) into yet another skill-based
modifier creation system. In effect, you are multiplying their cost on top
of the other so quickly for the purposes of character development. And when
combined with the other restrictions you have suggested here....

> Restrictions
> Complex forms may not be used to create agent or frames, otaku use sprites
> in their place. Programming options may not be applied to compelx forms.

And again, given their affinity for the Matrix, why the hell not??? Sure,
not all of the forms would make sense, but some (such as Stealth) would seem
to be perfect.

> Improving a Complex Form

Not even going to give a full comment here.

> Complex Forms and Bandwidth
> Otaku may also create 'programs' on the fly. These temporary forms are
> fairly short lived and are usually used as "stopgap" measures by otaku
> trying to accomplish specific tasks.
> To create a simple form the otaku essentially makes an "instant"
> test with a TN equal to the Complexity of the program he wishes to
> This requires a Simple Action on the part of the otaku. If successful, the
> program lasts for one use. If not used immediately the simple form only
> lasts until the end of the Combat Turn it was created in.
> Limitations
> Simple forms may only emulate offensive, defense and special utilities.
> cannot create frames or agents.
> Simple forms may not use any programming options.

And what the hell would I ever, as an Otaku, ever want to create regular
Complex Forms then???

> Sprites are the otaku version of frames and agents. All sprites are
> individual, and often display complex personalities - usually aspects of
> otaku who created them. In a way they are independent fragments of the
> 's own personality.

By the way, constant usage of the term AGENT is a poor point of judgement on
your own part as it introduces something that is not explained to the public
reader at large here. It is also a VERY poor trick in attempting to get
more than one submitted idea inserted at one time.

> Each sprite is unique to the otaku that created it. It represents a
> significant investment in time and Karma by the otaku to create it, and
> often viewed as spirits from the Matrix by technoshamans. The actual
> used to create a sprite varies from otaku to otaku, usually taking form in
> very personal experience on the Matrix relating to their original exposure
> to the Deep Resonance.
> Creating a Sprite
> [Use the rules in VR2]

Now just hold on a fraggin' second. With all this @#$%#$ karma used to make
the Complex Forms into skills, now you are literally allowing the "skill" to
uploading into a Sprite???

> Computer Illiterate, Bio-Rejection, Jack Itch
> Otaku may not take these Flaws.

I don't quite get Bio-Rejection.

> Illiterate
> Illiterate otaku have no difficulty in using the Matrix with their Living
> Persona. If using the Matrix through another computer system they suffer
> relevant penalties.
> This is a very common Flaw among otaku, especially technoshamans.

I think I would have to reread this Flaw before I could really remark on it.

> Uneducated
> The skill learning penalties do not apply to Otaku Skills. Uneducated
> still receive only Intelligence x 3 Knowledge Skill points at character
> generation.
> This Flaw could be applicable to otaku who did not complete their entire
> training in the tribe.

Interesting, and by your system here can I take some of these points and
further apply them to my related Otaku Skills then as you have made them
Knowledge Skills?

> Magic Resistance and Poor Link
> A higher then average number of otaku seem to possess an odd degree of
> resistance to magical effects.

This is more a player choice of the matter I think.

> Due to the effects of the Deep Resonance otaku are always in tune with the
> latest developments on the Matrix. Thus they are not affected by the SOTA
> rules.

And this is in need of significant clarification, for there *IS* an area
that Otaku are potentially effected by, especially if the game-group in
question is not using the optional bandwidth rules. The datajack is
inherently targetable by the SOTA adjustments.

> Although the otaku's innate skill in using the Matrix is remarkable, their
> Living Persona makes them more vulnerable to harm then a decker. For one
> thing they are always considered to be running the Matrix "hot". They may
> not operate in any other capacity.

Interesting, and what if you have an Otaku who is using a Cyberdeck and not

> Otaku do not possess a Hacking Pool. In its place they have a Resonance
> Pool. Items that add to or subtract from a Hacking Pool have no effect on
> Resonance Pool.
> To determine an otaku's Resonance Pool, add the otaku's Intelligence
> and his Willpower and divide by 3, round down.

Sweet moth....(*suddenly muffled by fellow techs in the lab*)

> Using the Pool
> The Resonance Pool may be used for any task the otaku performs on the
> Matrix, including enhancing his channels or when making tests using his
> patterns.
> Enhancements and the Pool
> Modifiers to the otaku's Intelligence or Willpower Rating do not affect
> Resonance Pool, whether it is from magical, cybernetic, or bionetic

And in so stating, you contradict your earlier statements....

> Otaku are perfectly capable of accessing the Matrix through conventional
> systems or even cyberdecks. However, if they do so they lose the ability
> use any of their special Otaku Skills as well as the abilities of the
> Persona. They still keep their Reaction and Initiative ratings and may
> substitute the Resonance Pool for the Hacking Pool.

You really begin to appear as if you have no concept of Interface
Terminology here Ken.

> Enhanced Capabilities
> The changes to the otaku's brain also affect his link to the datajack. To
> this end all otaku datajacks display the capabilities of a DNI link and
> transducer (p. 19 and p. 38 of Man and Machine respectively). These
> abilities are byproducts of their Living Persona and are not cybernetics,
> thus the otaku pays no Essence for these capabilities.

Interesting twist I suppose.

> Otaku cannot store information in their brains. They must use either
> headware memory or external storage devices connected through a datajack
> storage in order to upload or download data from the Matrix.

Still consider this one to be the dumbest relational effect invented for
this character type.

> An otakus aura will radically shift once they enter the Matrix with their
> Living Persona. Anyone assenssing an otaku as he interfaces will notice
> the otaku's aura dims, then seems to sparkle with strange lights. Anyone
> familiar with otaku will immediately recognize it. The otaku cannot masked
> or hide this efffect on their aura - even if they are aware of it.

Interesting attempt at clarifying certain questions that have arisen by some
people in the past.


And indeed this one here was an interesting twist on the "why it happens"
mentality. Overall though, I would say that you have created something that
introduces a few elements not covered anywhere within Shadowrun (3rd Edition
or VR2.0), and therefore NOT compatible with Shadowrun as a whole as you
suggested early on here.

And the end effect, because of all the inclusions/exclusions with regards to
so many elements of Shadowrun universe (cyberware, bioware, magic), in
effect you are really taking the first steps to creating a new system as a
whole. This may not be a bad thing mind you, but it is most definitely
something that doesn't allow for a great deal of retention of the SR
Universe itself.... which is needed to play the game on some level.

NeoJudas ("K" to some...)
Hoosier Hacker House (


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.