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From: Ahuizotl cuellare@*******
Subject: More translations, please...
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 16:53:22 -0500
> >
> > Like my friend always said we don´t play shadowrun we live sahdowrun :-)
> >
> Aint it true?

Fuff if i tell you some stories.

> > >
> > > Give us the inside info amigo!
> >
> > SSHHH this is not a secure channel i will give little pieces from time
> > time :-)
> > (of course what you want to know )
> >
> > > How is it down there?
> >
> > RL or in Game :-)
> >
> RL

Very extend post. Make questions and i will answer the best I can.

> and give us some info on the game scene too!
We are almost about to put a web page when we finish it i will send you the

> > In My personal point of view I hope my grandchildren died in the Yucatan
> > jungle fighting for freedom, or running the shadows as Mexicans.
> I once played a long campaign involving the Yucatan rebellion!
> My favorite character "Wiz" retired in the Yucatan helping the guerillas
> against Aztechnology!
> But he started out as Greek so he couldn't have been your grandchild!
> :))

Who knows maybe i have a dauhter having fun in the mediteranean :-)

> >
> Please make the appropriate corrections on the names!
> I hate to say something wrong and not know it!

Long post let me find a file we already do it about.

> Tell us about that Aztec game with the rubber ball and the hoop on the
> wall.
> There was a string some months before but nobody could get decent info.
> Tlachtli was it called. Did the victors really take the estate of the
> people who watced?

No as far as I know but let me do some research the ball game is not only an
Aztec tradition a lot of civilisations do it as a religion thing.

> Were they sacrificed (the winners or the losers)?

Aztecs the winners. It was a privilage to be sacrifice to the gods not a

> what were the rules?

Long post but I will work in a translation. maybe the antropologic museum
have already do it let me check. In fast the aztec version couldnt touch the
ball with anything besides his elbow, fore arm and hip. They must made the
ball pass between a hole in the wall alot like a basketball basket, but
vertical in the middle of the field?. I play a representation ones. Realy
hard to play let me tell you. We play with a amateur ball hard as a baseball
ball. They play with something more like a rock.

> If one visited the Mexican shadows, what kind of fashion statements
> would he see that would diffrentiate the Mexican srunner from any other?
> Aztec or contemporary...

Remember that Aztlan society is a retorn to the root wana be. They dont
folow exactli the paths of the aztec but they interpret what they like. so
the way i see it.
Contemporary but with aztec fashion here an there. I see many kind of shadow
fashion. Must of the shadowrunners and almost all of the shamans will have a
tattoo of the day you born. Is something like the astrology. Im Gemenis in
astrology but Caña 2 in mexican astrology. It wont predict the future is
more like a totem relation like to catolics have a cross. A lot of strange
hair cuts. a lot of no hair in the head with tattoos. Street gangs with
Aztec paths in the arms or in the ankles. Days in the year that only the
sinless born because corpo parents use cirurgical procceds (cesarea?) to
hurry up a birth so the boy didnt born in a "bad day". Something like the
sarapes but must like FASA describe not like the real thing. A friend of my
have tatoo but arms as a jaguar and put little draws that represent a mexica
legend. I almost forget lots of people change the (grip) of his weaponds and
put something with a draw in it. Is where you hold the weapons you have
"cachas" with horses or with an eagle eathing a serpent (national shield).
Let me check with a english speaker friend how to descrive it.

> Are mexicans as spirited and ready to fight as they are portrayed in the
> supplements?

A lot. Let me translate a little translation of our (national song??)

Mexicanos al grito de guerra
Mexicans ready for the war cry.

El acero aprestad y el valor
get ready the steel and the courage

Y retiembre en sus centros la tierra
And the earth rummble from his center

al sonoro rugir del cañon.
to the sound of the cannon.

And this is only the base. We have 24 vers of mayhem, blood and the thanks
of the country if we do our duty. Now in the shadowrun world we return to a
"edition version" of our old religion. Meaning no afray to the dead, same
tecnology, and the courage that 2 hundread years of servitud could make.
Well the answer is a rotund yes. Thats why we love peace soooo much. because
27 years of revolution teach us the horror of war. This made me remember de
martial arts post. We dont figth to win, we do it to kill our enemy or die
traying. If you have problems in a dark and down steet lifestile bar be
carefure and go for the neck. Mexicans in good terms are friends for life,
as enemy are the same.

> what kind of religous significance do feathered serpents have

No exactly as FASA said.Short history. Its a historical confution from a
Tule legend when some kind of mesias from the gods (Quetzalcoatl) use the
feathere serpent as an icon. long post ask me. if you want..

> How is the countryside?

Almost all the weathers.

> Lots of barren Lands with little vegetation

We have, in the deserts or in yucatan.

> The mountains, are they rolling hills, or are they rugged and difficult
> to climb?

Yes 3 mountains chains and 5 big mountains and 4 huge volacanos 3 active.

Are they forested?

It depends in the south yes, in the north they are in the dessert or in

> What about villages and small towns? Are there many of them, or most
> people live in big cities?

Most of the people live IN THE BIG city the order of mexican in cities is
something like this

Mexico City 12,000,000
Los Angeles (USA) 4,000,000
Guadalajara (not sure)
Monterrey (not sure)
Chicago (USA not sure)
But this rest the 150,000,000 mexicans.

> What is the population of the country\side do as a living? Farming or
> what?

Farming the most, a lot in fabrics?? and special works in industry in the
north we have manufactury of USA goods.

> The fashion inthe streets? You have been to other countries. Is it very
> diffrent?

A lot there are parts in Mexico that look like USA and some places like
spain in the center of the city. Yes i have travel to USA, Spain, a one day
in Japan.
The street jam like Tokio, the people like some street in Chicago. The
subway like Madrid but bigger.

> the medical care?

Ist hell in earth. In the cities is not so good but in the country is almost

> The Goverment?

YEAGGG.... need to go to the bathroom.

Does it take bribes?

Of course and in some places is part of the incoming.

Do you have some tpoliticians who
> defend the people?

Yes but die young

> The police?

I prefere the mafia. well I think here is the same.

> >
> > My dog eat my transmition ?
> >
> Not unless he is a smart frame! :)

Smart no so much but .. he is a frame after all and give me the news group.

> > > And do'nt use control+V cause I'll know! :)
> >
> > o god.. I do care about my english i do care about my english ....
> >
> lol
> the wiz


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.