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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: NeoJudas neojudas@******************.com
Subject: Shadowrun on
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 16:47:52 -0500
From: "Adam J" <adamj@*********>
Subject: Re: Shadowrun on

> >Well it looks like that threat just gained a considerable amount of
> I don't really think so. Slashdot is "News for Nerds, Stuff that Matters".
> The nerds that are already interested in roleplaying probably already have
> some sort of knowledge about SR or already play it.

Ah, but that "News for Nerds" is functionally highlighted in over 10% of the
F500 group.

> The nerds that aren't interested in roleplaying probably aren't going to
> pick up a game just because Jon Katz thinks that it's Oh So Relevant.
> Moreso, the people who do pick up SR because of this article are probably
> not going to play it, only read it. Now I don't think this is a bad thing,
> per se - a sale is a sale, but unless the person goes "Whoah! This is
> cool!" and continues to buy SR books for the metaplot and themes contained
> within, I doubt that many will continue to purchase SR books.

And I never said that they'd come running and screaming into the game, I
said they'd gain ground. Anytime newsbreaks of this scale and size, and I
think we all know the term "Scale" in this case is in proportion to the
gaming industry, not the world-wide news organization, it usually generates
interest. Interest generates sales increases, or at the very least
awareness increase.

> And let's not forget that a lot of tech savvy readers will hit
> go "Ewwww!", then run away. <sigh>

You know, I could have philosophized all day with ya on an opposing
viewpoint until you got right *here*.

In some lightly positive news, something we noticed amongst ourselves on IRC
this morning was that FASA's website has had two sets of updates within a
month (mostly art-related), but at least there is some business-end traffic
there for a change.

NeoJudas ("K" to Friends)
"Children of the Kernel: Reborn"
Hoosier Hacker House (


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.