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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: David M. Yiannakos yiannako@*******.edu
Subject: COPS
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 01:27:51 -0400
Dennis Steinmeijer wrote:
> From: "Warren Noe" <booster_gold@*******.com>
> > In SR I DM and always make my players decide what they do out side of SR
> > because I think it is a reasonable way to show how they got their start
> > money and depending on the job they could pick-up some extra cash here and
> > there. I want to know if how to do cop checks because one choose a drug
> > dealer. Also if anyone has or could make me stats for a police car in this
> > time.

> I tried to look up some patrol vehicle stats but I didn't get further than
> p. 112 of New Seattle where it says that Lonestar uses Citymasters for heavy
> duty respons and a Chrysler Nissan Patrol-1 for normal
> beat-cop-type-responses and patrolling. Maybe you'll have more luck checking
> Rigger 2 (or Rigger Redux) or the Lonestar Sourcebook. Anyone?
> DV8

Hopefully I'm not stepping on copyrights with this, as I'm a little
fuzzy on the laws. If I am, smack me and I won't do it anymore.


Chrysler-Nissan Patrol-One (pg 64 of RBB)

Handling: 4/8
Speed: 60/180
B/A: 3/2
Sig: 4
APilot: 3

Cost: Y100,000

Seating: Twin bucket seats + 3 Bench
Access: 2+2 standard
Economy: 30 km per liter
Fuel: IC/45 liters
Storage: 2 CF storage + 9 CF trunk

Options: While firmpoints and hardpoints are not standard, the front
compartment has one firing port sealed against gas installed in each
side window that will accept standard service pistols, SMGs, shotguns
and rifles, providing a 135-degree arc of fire.

>>>>>>>>>>>[This is the plain vanilla cop car chummers,
but never assume that all's what it seems! Lone Star Security uses Patrol-Ones in the
Sea-Tac area, and almost a quarter of them have souped-up engines. A small number (maybe
as many as 10 percent mount concealed pop-up turrets. So, be careful out

Ares Citymaster Urban Security Vehicle

An extremely popular vehicle with corporate security outfits, the
Citymaster can carry five fully equipped riot control personnel. It has
also been fitted out with command and control electronics that allow it
to act as a command post vehicle for a five-person command/technical
staff. Both variants have a micro-turret that normally mounts a
watercannon*, though this may be replaced by twin LMGs or a single
MMG/HMG, usually firing gel rounds. The cabin can be completely sealed
against gas, and 20 man hours of internal life support are provided.

Handling: 4/10
Speed: 30/120
B/A: 4/4
Sig: 2
APilot: 3

Cost: Y500,000

Seating: Twin Buckets + 10 Folding Bench
Access: 2 Standard + 1 Rear hatch
Economy: 10km per liter
Fuel: IC/500 liters
Storage: 500 CF**
Standard load: 500 CF

* Watercannon has internal access to 20 combat turns of water. Fifty
meters of hose and all required couplers are provided to allow hookup to
an external water supply. A character must make a successful Strength
(6) test to remain standing when hit but suffers no damage.

** Each folding seat takes up 50 CF of cargo

Hope that helps. (And doesn't get me in trouble...)

---Anonymous Coward ('s not here man)


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.