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From: Ahrain Ahrain-Drigar@**********.com
Subject: New campaign - with a dog?
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 10:48:43 -0400
----- Original Message -----
From: Carsten Gehling <carsten@**********.dk>
Subject: New campaign - with a dog?

> Hi,
> So my questions are:
> 1) Should I let him decide for himself, the dogs actions, since it's
> or should I as GM run it?

Run it as a GM. Unless the Dog/Master are sharing the same brain. : P

> 2) Are there any special rules regarding cyberware in animals? (I read one
> Shadowrun novel once, that described some guard dogs with implants)

NAGtRL, page 68. mentions them in the Shadowtalk.
M&M, page. 44
Critter book, pg. 6 (from the GM Screen)
Hope that helps
If you don't have the books and want the info, let me know. I'll send it.

> 3) Does anyone have some stats for a big bad ugly Rottweiler? :-) I
> that the "dog" described in BBB 2nd ed. is just that; a standard dog.

Probably add 1 or 2 to the physicals (up to 50% more than normal)

> 4) Should I dismiss the idea completely, and if so: why?

Not really, this could be a really good role playing chalenge. You could
also use it to lead the characters down avenues in an adventure they
normally wouldn't go, especially using a dogs senses the way they are.

Example: Dogs are supposedly notorious for "sensing" ghosts and things IRL.
The groups dog "senses" a projecting mage, which IMHO would be POSSIBLE with
a perception roll. Dog starts going nuts and/or run off chasing said astral
mage. Character will obviously want to chase said dog ans whala....instant
"from the frying pan into the drek."

> 5) Does any of you have similar experiences and can warn me about what to
> expect?

I did have a player a couple of years ago that would rather play the pet of
the group. He was mostly comic relief but he loved every minute of it. He
also would use the pet in suprising ways, pushing the envelope sometimes
(ala Lassie or Benji) but we all enjoyed so I cut him some slack. Scary
thing is, the pets ended up being played a little smarter than the Troll
street sam. : )

> - Carsten
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.