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From: Herc airwisp@******************.com
Subject: New campaign - with a dog?
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 10:38:47 -0500
> Hi,

Heya yourself.

> Just starting a new campaign up, and one of my players wants to play a guy
> who runs a guard company on the side. No problem in that. The problem
> when he said: "I also want a trained dog, that is very close to me, and
> follows me on runs." Add to that his wish to implant some cyberware in the
> dog.

Sounds like a nifty idea to me, K has done this a couple of times.

> Now, I'm the kind of guy, that would never say no to a great idea. Knowing
> the player, however, I have the nagging feeling, that he tries to get to
> "two" characters, i.e. have to fighters in a fight.

You need to make sure he does not abuse the dog then, and should he do so,
kill the dog outright. Show no mercy. And if you do kill the dog off, then
have future pets not be as cooperative with him in a combat type situation.

> So my questions are:
> 1) Should I let him decide for himself, the dogs actions, since it's
> or should I as GM run it?

You should consider each action the dog is going to perform. If he says
this dog is going to be loyal then the dog is going to pick on the people
who are picking on his 'leader of the pack,' who happens to be the

> 2) Are there any special rules regarding cyberware in animals? (I read one
> Shadowrun novel once, that described some guard dogs with implants)

Any form of cyberware which induces some sort of control is going to cause
an animal all sorts of problems. Passive cyberware may cause difficulties
if it is impacting a lot on the pet (like replacing the eyes, ears), the
less you change of the dogs overall status, the better.

> 3) Does anyone have some stats for a big bad ugly Rottweiler? :-) I
> that the "dog" described in BBB 2nd ed. is just that; a standard dog.

You could give a 'big bad ugly Rottweiler' stats that are 25 to 50% higher
than that of the dog you mentioned.

> 4) Should I dismiss the idea completely, and if so: why?

No, you should not dismiss the idea, just don't let the player abuse the
privilege of having a dog along with him.

> 5) Does any of you have similar experiences and can warn me about what to
> expect?

Expect there to be many interesting plot lines develop that you never
thought of ...

Like someone 'dognaps' your dogs girlfriend while she is pregnant ...

Your dog decides to take a whiz somewhere and the guards for the place
decide they don't like the dog or you for that matter ...

And the list could go on ...



These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.