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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Josh Harrison mataxes@****.net
Subject: New campaign - with a dog?
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 17:49:20 -0400
Like you (and apparently many other folks on this list) I am reluctant to
just toss out good ideas. However, in my decade (or more) of gamemastering
various systems, this puppy situation is one that I personally have been
more and more reluctant to deal with.

----- Original Message -----
From: Carsten Gehling <carsten@**********.dk>
> So my questions are:
> 1) Should I let him decide for himself, the dogs actions, since it's
> or should I as GM run it?

What I do these days is allow the player to have nominal control of the
animal. I make it clear, though, that the pooch is a separate character, and
if I feel that it wouldn't perform a given action, I will overrule. After
all, it's a living being, not a drone. If he wants slave critters so much,
by him a Vehicle Control Rig. *grin*

If the PC abuses the animal (basically running it as an extension of the
character's will) I get tough. I'll warn the player and talk with him about
it, but if the trouble continues... so loong to man's best friend.

> 2) Are there any special rules regarding cyberware in animals? (I read one
> Shadowrun novel once, that described some guard dogs with implants)

Cyber and animals don't mix very well. It is possible, but I don't recall
any specific rules offhand. I would be innclined to have the animal make
Willpower tests against a target number of 6-Essence (or something like
that) to see if they snap.

> 3) Does anyone have some stats for a big bad ugly Rottweiler? :-) I
> that the "dog" described in BBB 2nd ed. is just that; a standard dog.

Other folks have pointed out where these can be found. I won't repeat them.

> 4) Should I dismiss the idea completely, and if so: why?

I don't think you should dismiss it completely, but it's one of those things
that may come to annoy you after a time. For me, I have enough going on as
it is while I GM. I don't like having to keep track of friendly NPCs at the
same time. If I don't have to deal with it, why bother?

> 5) Does any of you have similar experiences and can warn me about what to
> expect?

Just keep a close watch on it. I hate to relegate the interaction of the dog
and master to game mechanics and dice rolls (not really my style), but that
seems the best way to go with it. On the other hand, if the player is mature
enough to handle the added work, I say go for it. If it causes problems,
make him regret the choice *sinister grin*.

After all, a non-sentient NPC can make for all sorts of interesting
complications on a run.

-- Josh


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.