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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Bull bull@***********.com
Subject: Random Encounters
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 18:09:15 -0400
At 08:59 AM 6/10/00 +0000, Phil Smith wrote:

>I never really liked Encounter charts; if a player wants to pick a fight or
>whatever I let them do most of the work and fill in the gaps;
>[SNIP Scene]
>And so on, if characters want to fight let them get there themselves.
I think I know just what NL is looking for :] Unfortunately, I don;t know
where one could be found (And Sprawl Sites was a great book, but at this
point it's mostly either severly dated material, or you've used all the
good ones).

I don't look at it quite as a random encounter chart, and I'm not sure NL
is either... At least not in the old D&D "12: 1d6 Orcs, 1 Orc Chieftain"
type sense.

What NL is looking for (And what would be a GREAT resource, IMO) is
something along the lines of a series of good adventure Hooks, or even
pre-made mini-encounters...

Some nights, you just can;t think of yet another interesting little
encounter for Mr.
I-Have-to-Pick-A-Bar-Fight-Cause-I'm-A-Sammy-With-An-Attitude, because it's
the same damn thing he does everytime the group has a few minutes of
downtime, and he gets bored... Or because you've been working 60+ hours
the last couple weeks, and the last thine you've had time for is thinking
of cool ideas for encounters... Or you've been plugging away for the last
three days polishing up trhis neat-o keen adventure story you want to run,
but on the way to the meet, the PC's decide to go another route and get
into some trouble, and you've not thought of anything... OR, you're a GM
that, while you're great with prepared material, is a little lacking on the
"on-the-fly" style of GMing (I knew a great GM at college who was like
this... If he had time to think everything out ahead of time, it was one
of the best games I've ever played. But if he got stuck thinking on his
feet, he faltered, because he was one of those guys who needs to plot).

Either way, this sort of material is a great resource. And basically, what
it would be is a series of "planned encounters". Work up a handful of "Bar
Encounters" (For when Mr. Sammy wants to pick a fight), add in some "On the
way to the stuffer shcak" encounters, and top it off with a "What kind of
trouble can my BF/GF/SO get into THIS week" encounters, and you have some
nice angles and hooks to play with on short notice... It doesn;t even
really have to be random, unless you feel up to it :]

If anyone WANTS to work up some of these, I'll be happy to host this
concept on my web site (*gasp!* real SR material at Bull's Place!??! :)),
but I haven't got the time or the energy (Or the lack of common sense) to
try and organize a project like this these days :]


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These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.