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From: Iridios iridios@********.net
Subject: Buildings, doors, maglocks, and magic
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 14:23:48 -0400
Gurth wrote:
> According to Iridios, at 7:43 on 12 Jun 00, the word on the street was...
> > IMC, I would rule that Turn to Goo could be used to target doors,
> > windows, or etc. Why? The way I see it, it's because of the percieved
> > scale of things. IMO, most often people think of cars as whole cars,
> > and not as parts. But when they think about buildings they think
> > about rooms, doors, and hallways.
> It depends more on the situation than anything else, I would say... I
> think about cars as whole things when I am riding my bike and don't want
> to be hit by one, but when I'm in one and it gets a flat tire, I think of
> it as having wheels, hubs, bolts, etc. Same with buildings: it's a house
> when I'm outside of it, but rooms, doors, and so on when I go inside.
> IMHO, this is not a good line of reasoning for solving this problem :)

Were talking about how magic is applied against a building. There may
not be a "good" line of reasoning for solving the problem, but it
helps to talk it out. You are right though, a persons perception of a
building may be different under different circumstances.

> > Very seldom as whole buildings. I would think this is more true with
> > larger buildings such as skyscrapers.
> Strange... I see that just the other way round.

Again, it probably depends on the situation. If I'm giving
directions, the larger more recognizable buildings would stand out.
But if I'm planning an assault against a building, it's easier to
think of it as doors and hallways. Especially if it's a 100+ story

> That's more or less what I was thinking of, too. ATM I'm thinking of
> averaging its major barrier ratings and adding a multiplier to reflect the
> strength of the building, but I have no ideas yet for how high that should
> be.

That would be, IMO, the easiest way to handle it.

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