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From: Tzeentch tzeentch666@*********.net
Subject: Alternate Skill System
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 12:48:52 -0700
I've been fiddling with an alternate skill system for my own game
(ShadowFuzion) and how it can be used with normal Shadowrun, Third Edition.
Any comments would be appreciated, thanks to Barb for showing me their
in-progress skill revision:

1. Skills are Rated 1-10
2. Concentrations and Specializations exist. For example, Gunnery is the
base skill. Gunnery (Cannon) is a concentration. Gunnery (120mm Cannon) is a
3. The concept of familiarization is used but is not a core part of the

In this version all skills are rated for their difficulty to learn. The
ratings are Very Easy, Easy, Average, Hard, and Very Hard. Most professional
skills are Hard or Very Hard.

They are also tied to an Attribute as in SR3. When determining the cost to
increase a skills Rating the difficulty modifies the final Good Karma cost
(likely x.75, x.5, x1, x1.5, x2)

Skills have specific default notes per skill, typically to another skill or
Attribute. Prerequisites are also noted per skill.

VERSION 2: Modified Barb
In this version skills are essentially as per SR3, but concentrations and
specializations can be added easily. This is a modified version of Barbs

In this version the general skill category costs the most amount of points
per level (say 5 for Average skills per point). Concentrations are cheaper
and specializations even cheaper then concentrations. unlike Barbs system
the points are not added together to get the final value when making Skills

Instead, all skill tests are essentially made with appropriate
concentrations (just a straight "Biology" skill will not allow you to know
EVERY aspect of biology right off - everyone specializes). If you don't have
that specialization you use the default modifier to determine what you
subtract from the usual skill total (which in the case of Fuzion you would
subtract from the Attribute+Skill total). If the gamemaster rules that only
a specialization applies then the penalty is doubled (sure you may have a
good grasp of germline gengineering but can you do it yourself?).
Concentrations start at the general skill level as long as you buy at least
one point in the concentration. Specializations start at the level of the
concentration as long as you buy at least one point in the specialization.
Concentrations cannot be more then 3x the base skill.

For example, Bob is looking at being a doctor. He wants to be pretty
well-rounded so purchases 4 levels of Biotech. Since he envisions himself
mainly as a surgeon he gets the Surgery concentration and beefs it up to
Rating 6. He decides that since he will be in a crime-prone area he will be
seeing a lot of gunshots he buys two points of the Combat specialization,
bringing his specialization in Combat Surgery to 8.

Bobs final skill looks like this:
Surgery: 2 (Combat: 2)

However, if Bob was faced with a skill test with another concentration of
Biotech (Diagnosis for example) then he would suffer the defaulting penalty
(which in this case let's say -2). Thus for all intents and purposes his
Biotech (Diagnosis) skill would be a 2.

FIREARMS (Easy/Quickness)
Default: Quickness -3
Prerequisites: None
Concentration: By weapon class (Pistols, Rifle, Musket, Shotgun, Light
Automatic, Machine Pistol, Needler, Grenade Launcher, Flamethrower, Light
Antitank Weapon)
Specializations: By specific weapon

SORCERY (Hard/Willpower)
Default: None
Prerequisites: Magic Rating 1 or greater
Concentration: Spell Category, Spell Defense, Dispelling
Specializations: Specific spell

There's a war out there, old friend, a world war. And it's not about who's
got the most bullets, it's about who controls the information. What we see
and hear, how we work, what we think, it's all about the information!
Cosmo, 'Sneakers'


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.