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From: Ahrain Ahrain-Drigar@**********.com
Subject: New campaign - with a dog?
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 23:44:49 -0400
----- Original Message -----
From: Carsten Gehling <carsten@**********.dk>
Subject: Re: New campaign - with a dog?

> I don't have M&M, so any info from there would be appreciated. The Critter
> book, is that the 3rd ed.? Then I don't have that either.

Like Gurth said, the info is the same in the SR2 stuff, but just in

Critters, pg. 6
Cyberware for Critters
" Critters may be equipped with cyberware, usually bodyware specially
designed for them. The operations required to implant cyberware tend to
unhinge animals, making them vicious and barely controlable. Cyber-modified
animals are as likely to attack their handlers as their intended targets.
When unleashing such an animal, roll 1D6. If the result equals or exceeds
the animal's Essence, it will turn on its handler.
Headware designed to control this tendancy makes the animal less
intelligent and less perceptive, and further lowers its Essence. Each
control implant lowers Essence by 1 and subtracts 2 from the die roll made
when checking the animal's behavior. Each implant also lowers each of the
animal's Mental Attributes by 1."

Man and Machine, pg. 44
Cyberware and Critters
" Critters do not cope well with cyberware implants, which tend to
impeed their mental faculties and act as a source of unnatural irritation.
Rules for cybered critters appear on p. 6 of the Critters book.
Awakened creatures especially do not handle cyberware well, because it
reduces their Essence and diminishes the power of their abilities. The
cyberware of creatures that are transformed by the human-metahuman vampiric
virus (HMHVV) breaks during the transformation process, as described under
Infection, p. 33, SRComp.
Creatures with the regeneration power can only bear to have implants
for a short time. They tend to find implants incredibly painful and quickly
purge such devices from their bodies."

Man and Machine, pg. 79
Bioware and Critters
" Critters cope conciderably better with bioware than they do cyberware,
though corporations are rarely willing to conduct the research and design
animal-equivilant bioware, given the cost. Critters are subject to the same
bioware restrictions and drawbacks as characters.
Awakened critters also find their magical powers restricted by bioware,
the same as Awakened characters (see p. 78)"

Hope that helps.



These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.