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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Josh Harrison mataxes@****.net
Subject: Two questions
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 00:35:09 -0400
----- Original Message -----
From: Shadowboy 88 <shadowboy88@*******.com>
> Josh Harrison I have a question of my own, are you new to the game master
> biz?

Hardly. I've been gaming since '84 or '85. Played D&D most of the time (and
DMed most of that), until an aunt gave me a copy of SR2 (hardbound) for
Christmas one year (must have been '92). I really liked the game, and when
school started back up, I started GMing SR2 (though not much, and I had some
difficulty getting a handle on the system at the time). I left for college
that next fall, and got involved with some of the online SR community (I'm
an old-timer returning to the fold, as it were). That winter, I learned of
this new game called Earthdawn.

Well I got hooked on ED and ran it almost exclusively for the next six years
or so.

When SR3 came out a couple years ago, I picked it up. I had been following
the setting, because I was really intrigued by the overall story arc and
connections between ED and SR (I'm also a total game goob and collect these
things like crazy). One of my players expressed interest in SR when I
decided to start up a new game a month or two ago, so I shelved ED and
picked up SR.

So I'm not new to GMing by any stretch, but I'm not really familiar with the
balance of the SR system. I'm not at the point where I can just run it
yet -- at least, not to the degree that I can run ED (or D&D for that

The big thing is that many of my players are not only new to the system,
they're new to the setting as well, and I think it's much easier for them to
learn how things work in a low-stress situation. Since I'm not certain about
my GMing abilities with SR yet, I've been running pre-packaged adventures.
They don't exactly do a great job of conveying the info that most gamers
familiar with SR kind of take for granted.

> As well as I do have some notes that I'd be willing to give to you as
> soon as my web site is up and running.

I'd certainly be interested. I presume you'll let us know when the site is
up? I don't need any general GMing advice, more along the lines of SR
specific stuff that folks have found useful over the years. Thanks in
advance for any help.

-- Josh


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.