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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Josh Harrison mataxes@****.net
Subject: Atlantis
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 17:55:35 -0400
----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Smith <phil_urbanhell@*******.com>
> I always thought that Idols were the closest thing to Passions in SR, has
> anyone come up with rules for following them as totems in SR and how they
> would relate to the universe?

Well, the impression I get from "Harlequin's Back" is that the Passions are
pretty much gone, save for a few that were around back then (like Harlequin)
that remember thenm. Vestrial (the one that shows up in HB) is fairly
obviously a pale shadow of his former self.

I've never seen rules doen up for them, but if you know what emotions a
Passion is associated with, I'm sure developiing a totem (or using one
already extant) wouldn't be too much trouble.

> Isn't there talk in ED of resurection being possible? Isn't that the
> closest thing to Cybermancy in SR?

Resurrrection is possible, but after the first critical hour, it isn't very
easy. There are several magic charms that will bring a PC back from "Death's
Door" (and this is almost a literal thing in ED, btw), but once crossed
over, only legendary magic will restore somebody to life.

The reason for this is (according to the legend, anyway) that Death itself
is trapped beneath the molten surface of Death's Sea (which corresponds to
the present day Black Sea). The Passions locked him there because they
feared his power (there are cults that worship Death as a Passion) and
wanted to spare their beloved followers from Death's embrace. Because Death
is trapped, his hold on souls is weak, so they *can* be retrieved.

The legend has it that when enough blood is spilled on the ground, Death
will be freed and Death's Sea will turn from molten lava to pure water. At
this point, resurrection will no longer be possible. One of the cults I
mentioned (called the "Keys of Death") goes around killing people to try and
speed Death's return.

I always felt that this legend was connected with the magic cycle in some
way, but I haven't really explored it much.

-- Josh


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.