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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Hahns Shin Hahns_Shin@*******.com
Subject: Help GM in despair
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 18:01:07 -0500
I identify with your plight, having GMed a variety of groups over the years.
It's hard to get the players to think things through without railroading
them to a certain plotline, but it can be done. I would suggest forcing
them to get the Common Sense edge so that you can legally give them warnings
if you need to. Or, telling them occasionally, "Is that what your character
would do?", reminding them that sometimes their characters would do things
differently than the players... hey, it's roleplaying. Or have a snobby NPC
with them who only does things "professionally" (for added fun, have him/her
geeked during the run). Maybe the PC's contacts can offer suggestions
("Umm, you are taking C4 in an oil refinery? RIIIIIGHT...") I'm not a big
fan of the "player debriefing" after the run (as my runs tend to be a
complicated mess of conspiracies, backstabbing, and negotiations), but you
can chat a bit on how they could have done it better ("If you did it, and
lived, then you probably did it right"). As for survivability, encourage
them to play trolls. :-) Just kidding, but make sure that there are at least
two hardboys on the team so that they can at least brute force a problem
("If brute force doesn't work, you aren't using enough of it"). Another
idea is to let someone else GM so that you can play, helping the players
with your knowledge and skill. If you have a hard time constructing runs
that can't be solved multiple ways, then perhaps that is your problem:
<story mode engaged>
I once had a run where the runners had to extract a Macguffin from a
heavily-guarded facility. I expected them to do a standard break in and had
all sorts of devious security devices. Instead, they made a HUGE
magical/physical diversion at the front gate and then blew open the roof of
the facility with C4. The run wasn't stealthy, and they had to dodge
security halfway across the city, but it worked, and not a scratch on the
runners. After the run, I asked them why in hell did they do that, and they
said, "Because you expected us to go in quiet." :-) Touche.
<story mode disengaged>



These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.