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From: Gurth gurth@******.nl
Subject: Slaughter Enemies (restricted target combat spells)
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 11:47:47 +0200
According to Tarek Okail, at 3:59 on 18 Jun 00, the word on the street

> The reason that Slay (species) spells aren't fooled by
> disguises is because race is a large factor of a person's aura, and it
> is impossible to disguise THAT factor from astral entities, including
> spells. <g>
> Great Dragons might be able to do it, and so might IE's. But it's
> not likely that any character will meet either on a regular basis...

One word springs to mind: masking. The rules in MITS don't mention whether
you can mask your aura to appear like that of another race, but if the GM
allows, many initiates can alter their aura to "change" their race. IMHO,
if allowed, this would fool spells targeted at the actual race of the
initiate (and the other way around: a human masked as an elf is suddenly
vulnerable to Slay Elf spells, though in combat this would be easy enough
to avoid by masking as something nobody is likely to have specific spells
against, like, say, a cow).

Free spirits with Aura Masking and Human Form powers can most certainly do
all this, BTW.

Gurth@******.nl -
Here come the golden oldies. Here come the Hezbollah.
-> NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
->The Plastic Warriors Page:<-

GC3.1: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ UL P L+ E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+
PE Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.