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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Bull bull@***********.com
Subject: The ED/SR Connection
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 22:44:39 -0400
At 06:39 PM 6/19/00 -0700, Rand Ratinac wrote:

>Syphon, was it? The semi-official ruling on Obsidimen
>and T'skrang is that they were killed off during the
>5th world downtime (somehow) and won't ever appear in
Well, Never say Never, as they say (Though don't read anything into that.
At this point, Mike is still very against them making a return :)).

Right now the Unofficial line from FASA is that they simply couldn't
survive the no-mana period because A) If they "devolved", as normal Meta's
did to Human, their Devolution stage was wither killed off (in the case of
T'Skrang"), or they simply couldn't devolve (Living Rock??), and/or B)
They are more "mana intensive" and they simply couldn;t exist without mana,
even in a devolved form. (A) is most likly for the lizards, (B) is most
likely for the Rockies. <shrug>

And if FASA ever does want to bring 'em back, they have an out here as
well... They weren;t dead, they're sleeping until the mana gets high
enough to wake 'em... <shrug>

>Don't let that stop you, though. As for Windlings,
>look up Pixies (err...or something like that) in
>Paranormal Animals of Europe. There's some debate on
>whether they really are Windlings or not, though...
They are a little different, as I believe they don't quite have all the
same natural abilities the Windlings had. It's VERY strongly hinted at in
PAoE, though, and pretty much been admitted to by FASA, once again
unofficially (Once again, I don;t expect to see them to appear as a PC race
in SR).

There are, I believe, several versions of the Sprite/Windlings as PC races
for SR floating around the net, including one on my page (Which is based
off the Sprite as a critter, rather than the ED Windling).


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These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.