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From: Fanguad fanguad@****
Subject: Weapon Idea
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 22:51:56 -0400
> My little brother is playing SR now and he wants his character to have a
> scythe (ala The Grim Reaper... Death).
> Now, I've warned him of how recognizable this would be and being
> non-descript (blah, blah, blah...); and he still wants a scythe.
> So... would it be essentially the same as a Polearm (Str+3)S, or would it be
> different?

Well, my experience with the chainsaw-weilding character (about 6-
8 months ago) has taught me one thing about how to discourage
players from doing things like this: Get the other players on your
side. All you have to do then is to let them convince him. This
was very effective in deterring the player in question from that
particular weapon, although not necessarily from disgusting
weapons in general.

I like the idea of making him spend extra points for it (you won't be
able to find any teachers, or self-help books for it), and I do like
some of the modifiers - here is my version:

*Distinctive Weapon - when used, treat the character as if he had
the disadvantage of the same name.

Usage: The scythe is definitely large and unweildy, but it is
essentially unique among weapons (everything similar is also
uncommon). I would give the scythe a +1 TN#, but since 99% of
people wouldn't know how to defend against it, I'd give them a +1
TN# as well. If fighting in cramped conditions (less than about
1.5m around), I'd impose an additional +1 TN# for the scythe
wielder. It would be completely unusable in spaces less than .5m
around the weilder. A reach of 0 seems reasonable, although in
certain situations a 1 or 2 might apply (i.e. VERY open spaces
such as fighting in the middle of a warehouse with no obstacles,
AND the character is only fighting one opponent).

Damage: (STR + 2) seems reasonable, the same damage as a
normal sword. If used properly, I imagine it could cause significant
damage, so I don't feel the character should be penalized in this

Would I allow it?
Yes. The PC wouldn't like it though.
Also gleaned from my experience with the Chainsaw-luvin' PC:

Johnson: Is that a chainsaw?
Texas Chainsaw Massacre PC: Yep.
Johnson: Hmmm...
Johsnon: Excuse me, I left something out in the car. I'll be right
<Johnson leaves>
<several minutes pass>
TCM PC: Man, I hope he doesn't take too long. I gotta get home
and sharpen my chainsaw.
<more time passes>
<more time passes>
<PC finally gets a clue>
TCM PC: Doh!

(Kudos to the author of that, who I can't remember the name of)

-- Fanguad


"Tech Support, Greg speaking."
"QUICK! How do I change my wallpaper?"
"Well, it's pretty easy. I assume you want to change the
appearance of your desktop?"
"I need to get a picture off my background!"
"Oh, I see... Did someone accidentally set a porn picture
as their wallpaper, and their wife or mom is about
to show up?"

-- Iliad, User Friendly


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.