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From: acjpenn@******.com acjpenn@******.com
Subject: Scythe (was Re: Weapon Idea)
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 12:58:43 -0500
> Sometimes you see pictures of death holding an oversize Sickle like

Stylish representation. The aspect of death known as the Grim Reaper is
always seen with a scythe of some sort. It's the basis of legend. A
scythe is a harvesting tool, a tool used to "reap" the harvest. The Grim
Reaper is a figure that cuts of life, that takes the "harvest" of souls to
the afterlife. It's all about the image.

> which is actually similar to a polearm, and is more usable as a combat
> (Sort of a Glaive, with a realy curved blade, or perhaps the japanese
> naginata (sp?) but a more elongated blade.)

You've got the spelling right.. I'm just trying to picture what you're
saying. A scythe has a parallel blade, a naginata has a blade on top of
the shaft. They were first made by basicaly sticking sword blades on top
of staffs. If you've seen a katana, that's basically the same blade.
They've changed a small amount over time as the weapon grew into it's own

> I personally would make it a specialised pole arm, and make him take the
> specialization too. It could also be the basis of a distinctive style
> Then, of course, after the game starts, you break it on him. :o) I'd
like to
> see him get a specialised blade like that reforged on the quiet.

Nice thought. I keep thinking of that first "Home Alone" flick, with the
guy who always turned on the water, and got busted for it. Sooner or
later, that specialized weapon will bite the player in the butt, as has
been previously brought up. Me, I'd keep him in street level runs. Gang
intimdation, leg breaking, shakedowns. No fixer is going to trust some
punked out loon carrying a big scythe, IMO.

Also, IMO, the player has seen far, far too many cheap horror flicks. :P

Tig Da Pig

"I know what you did, a while ago, maybe it was a few years, but definetly
before Paul had that surgery, you know, that thing.. way back, that you
did, kinda sorta maybe..."

> Annachie.


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.