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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Bull bull@***********.com
Subject: The ED/SR Connection
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 23:30:29 -0400
At 11:07 PM 6/19/00 -0400, SyphonAC@***.com wrote:
>Right....that explanation seems to make sense, but I still think it's a bit
>heavy-handed to just whack them entirely out of the setting...ah well.
Well, there's a few problems here that exist, espcially on the SR end of
thing, all of them stemming from ED's creation:

A) SR came first by 4 years. Windlings, T'Skrang, and Obsidiman didn't
exist until then, and were never planned to be a part of Shadowrun.

B) Earthdawn, when it was created, I believe was not designed to be
Shadowrun's "Past". Thus the inclusion of three PC races that do not exist
in Shadowrun. IIRC, these PC races were actually included to both
differentiate the game from Shadowrun, as well as differentiating it from a
slew of other "new" Fantasy RPG's that came out in the early 90's. The
"link" was something added during post production, and was basically
something simply implied, and never really written in well, or thought out

It's very much a shame that the whole idea wasn;t thought out or followed
through better, as there is some coo potential. The problem is, you have a
situation where things that should be in SR (and should have been there
from the start) simply aren;t there, and you have to retroactively try to
write them in if you want to include them. Which, because at least
partially because of my next point, FASA doesn't want to do. They want to
focus on Shadowrun, not on links to what amounts to a dead product line
(Yeah, I know LRG has the rights to publish stuff now. Who knows what that
will mean in the future :)).

As for point 2, well... by late 96, the whole idea of ED links had been
driven so far into the ground that it's taken 3+ years to dig them up again
:] I first joined this list back in 96, and As I recall, pretty much the
consensus then was that all IE should be dropped into a dark, deep hole,
along with every other thing that linked the two games :]


As I said before, Never say Never. FASA may bring this stuff back someday,
but... Who knows?


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These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.