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From: Hahns Shin Hahns_Shin@*******.com
Subject: Re (lots): Scythe/Weapon
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 04:03:12 -0500
Hmm, a Scythe as a weapon? Just to be ornery, I'll take the exact opposite
stance of most of the other repliers and post the virtues of using a Scythe
as a weapon. There have been actual documented accounts of a Scythe being
used as a weapon during peasant revolts in some such century (I can't
remember details). While being large and cumbersome, I think that polymer
plastics and monofilament can lighten the burden somewhat. I imagine that
it wouldn't be a swinging/stabbing weapon per se (as most polearms), but a
spinning, whirling weapon, similar to Shaolin staff/sectioned staff
fighting, using circular force and momentum rather than arm strength. Of
course, this is because I am influenced by the anthropomorphic
personification that is Death in the Discworld novels. At the risk of being
literary, from the novel _Mort_: "Although the scythe isn't pre-eminent
among weapons of war, anyone who has been on the wrong end of, say, a
peasants' revolt will know that in skilled hands it is fearsome. Once its
owner gets it weaving and spinning no-one - including the wielder - is quite
certain where the blade is now and where it will be next."
If the character was an adept, I see no reason why magic couldn't enhance
his skill and make scythe combat, something that obviously couldn't be done
IRL, a reality. Perhaps a special skill devoted only to Scythe combat? The
problem would be finding instructors to help him increase the skill...
perhaps only a couple of Tibetan monks or a sage in the middle of Tir na
I also imagine a weapon that is concealable like Manny Calavera's
switchblade/scythe in Grim Fandango (granted, it wouldn't be as cartoony and
wouldn't fold up as small). As far as rules, I would allow the character to
carry a conceal 3 (when rectracted, otherwise not concealable), (Str)S
scythe that uses monowhip rules (if it spins, and your body is in the
way...). I would give it a reach of 1 (2 would be a bit generous, because
the scythe is held in the middle of the "stick"). I agree that it isn't a
practical weapon, but neither are Oral spurs, Monofilament whips, or Eye
guns... yet those weapons are in the cannon rules, so why not live on the
edge of fiction a little?

Sorry for the long post. :-P



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