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From: Phil Smith phil_urbanhell@*******.com
Subject: Pushers in 2060
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 17:33:02 GMT
An introduction to buying drugs in 2060

This is hardly my work; I found it on a nice CP2020 site and just changed a
few words to make it fit with SR.

The set, she don't change much, no matter the setting. With the quantity of
drugs available to the illicit user, no dealer can handle it all, so you get
specialists. At the low end of the scale you have the "Pushers" who stock
between 1 and a dozen of the local favourites, usually under 20¥ a hit.
These are also the only dealers who habitually carry their product on their
person - usually in the form of folded-paper "Packets" containing a
pre-measured amount of the drug in question. These packets are sometimes
stashed in the pusher's jacket pockets or hip sack, but more often are held
in a "Load" of 30 packets held in place on the pusher's wrist by an elastic
band. In this way, a quick flip will send the whole load into the garbage or
fountain, etc, when trouble presents itself.
These "Pushers" are your street-corner merchants. To purchase from one you
approach, quietly name your poison and a handoff occurs if he has it "in
stock". With your left hand you sign the quantity you want, while handing
over the cash with your right. The pusher will reach forward as if to "give
you five", grab the cash into the palm of his hand and then flip forward a
packet (or more) from his sleeve into your palm. The whole event shouldn't
take more than 20 seconds from beginning to end.
When dealing with a pusher, it is incredibly bad form to test or use their
product until well out of sight, since either will attract attention to his
clandestine operations. (A PC who insists on these courses of action will
find his business spurned by that dealer in the future, as well as any other
dealers who hear about it). Most pushers do sell a fairly pure product to
avoid getting a bad rep for cutting their drugs.
Your typical pusher only carries two varieties of drugs, a load of 30
packets on each wrist. They usually operate out of urban slums where one or
two basic drugs make up most of the demand. Pushers working out of the urban
core will often "diversify their holdings", moving to a "Deck" (half a
or 15 packets) of two different drugs on each wrist plus a few specialty
items in his pockets.
While pushers in the slums always carry a gun (often a machine pistol) and
often have security in proximity, pushers in the urban core are usually
lightly armed (with a legal-carry handgun so they don't attract too much
attention) and rarely work with security, relying on the public location of
their work to avoid trouble with customers and would-be-thieves.
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These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.