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From: Brian Johnson expatrie@*******.net
Subject: Tech and the Astral
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 14:27:54 -0500
Caric wrote:

> >From: shadowrn-admin@*********.com
> >[mailto:shadowrn-admin@*********.com]On Behalf Of Philip Smith
> >> One of my players is trying to confuse me. His mage is
> >> currently astral and an announcement has just gone
> >> over the ship's loudspeakers. (Oh, guys, remember how
> >> I was suggesting you could screw with players in a
> >> pirates campaign by sticking them on a boat/submarine
> >> with a vampire? Well, the vampire's still at large and
> >> they're in the process of being intercepted by a
> >> well-armed Azzie corvette...;) )
> >>
> >> Now, I thought he could hear the announcement, but he
> >> says he doesn't think you can hear technological
> >> devices (i.e. the loudspeaker) from the astral.
> >>
> >> I don't have my books to check, so...who's right?
> >
> >IIRC You have to manifest from the astral to hear anything going on around
> >you, read anything, have a look at any cloudy non-astral objects
> >or whatever
> >but my books are all the way across the room and I'm not bothering
> >to check.
> Actually what I understand from p.173 of SR3 is that some things have
> changed from SR2 and some haven't. You still can't read anything from the
> astral (it makes no mention of whether or not you are manifest at the time,
> and I don't really see how that would make a difference), but you do get the
> emotional content of whatever it is that you are trying to "read." As far
> as hearing goes, NightRain is definitely correct about not being able to
> hear recorded sounds in SR2, but SR3 didn't add that little detail instead
> just saying "Speech and sounds are as easy to hear from the astral plane as
> they are in the physical world."
> Personally I always liked the way that SR2 handled it, added a nice little
> quirk.
> ~Caric

Ditto. Plus, making sounds, etc. difficult from astral has certain hindrances.
Eavesdropping becomes more difficult, as you hear not what they are saying, but
the emotional content of the message... Har.

Technological stuff shouldn't make much effect on the astral, as it don't have
emotions. The speaker isn't making the statement, the loudspeaker is, and it
doesn't have any feelings.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> "I like my women like my tamales, red hot and out of the wrapper."
> -Pepe Moreno, Street Sam and Machismo incarnate

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These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.