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From: S O'Neill callahan421@*******.com
Subject: Power Gaming and Benchmarking (Long)
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 15:37:10 EDT
>I'm curious to know what "power gaming" (especially in the SR context)
>means to most people on this list.

<snippity-snip-snip-snickersnackwhipcrack levels outline, ranging from
Weeflerunners to Munchkins>

To me, at least, powergaming ain't about relative competence of a runner
team, rather it starts to occur when players get the idea that they need
bigger guns/faster decks/more chrome for the sake of same. Whether it's a
decker whacking in an encephalon "just because" or a street sam that get
obsessed with carrying a SPAS-22 when the typical weapon is a pistol, when
players start to substitute firepower for brainpower, you're powergaming.

Powergaming/munchkinism, IMHO, is when you get walking tanks of characters
with a 2-sentence background and the '20 questions' answered in single,
monosyllabic words. I have no problem with powerful characters, so long as
they are appropriately challenged and are roleplayed suitably.

That said, I generally prefer to play closer-to-the-bone games especially
for short-haul campaigns, simply because they tend to allow a more gritty,
in-your-face feel, as opposed to more melodramatic, high-flying games. But
it's all about personal preference, IMHO. In cases where a long-running game
can track the saga of some runners progressing from weeflers to lords of the
underworld over the course of several years . . . well that's kinda why I
like roleplaying and character development. In the classic 'player types'
breakdown, i tend to identify with the 'REAL ROLEPLAYER' designation.

'Vanilla' Shadowrun suggests that you can only get Avail.6 items in chargen.
Try reducing this even further, or simply prohibiting Priority-A Resources
or skills above 4 in chargen, and you'll have a substantial impact on the
starting level of the game.

Just my $0.01 (2 cents $CDN, with exchange)...


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These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.