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From: Manolis Skoulikas great_worm@*****.com
Subject: Spells above Force 6
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 17:26:33 +0300
Aristotle wrote:
> Greetings -n- Salutations,
> Now I'm not a total newbie. I know what is required to cast a spell above
> force 6, and what is required to learn a spell above force 6. What I do
> wonder about is the frequency of spells above force 6. In your campaigns
> how frequently to characters have access to spells with a force higher than
> 6? How many of those characters were PC's?
I have never used a spell higher than force 8 on my players. It could
potentially prove deadly (and we don't want that top happen now do we?
They have to be coscious to feel the pain!) :)

As a player I once researched manaball at force 8 in SR2 but saw no
meaning in this first attempt of powerplay because it was actually not
so useful in the end (resisting force 8 is not so diffrent than force 6)
so I didn't bothe anymore.

In SR3 force became more important and my snake shaman has:
a force 8 Heal,
a force 7 levitate (to fly around faster than he (or any sammie) could
a force 9 smoke cloud (actually a research variant called "Breath of the
Asp" without the elemental effects and based on air delivered contact
and a killer force 11 (eleven) Spiritblast. this was called for because
we tend to come up agaist high force spirits and those mothers eat up
your hard earned successes like candy :)

the wiz

btw. For those interested, the story behind this outrageous force 11
spiritblast is this.

After getting our hoops kicked by two force 9 spirits in the arcology
(that's Renraku arcology) I always wanted a BIG spirit killer.
Yet I never had the guts for a force 9 or 10 spell.
TN of 18+, yeah sure!
By that time, HHackerH (Keith for friends) was ranting about anybody
being able to get as big a TN he wanted if he gave it a hard try.
So when our team met with a strange shaman/mage that held a strange
technique of learning spells at -2 learning TN (and some other obscure
stuff on force increase and spell resistance our "evil" GM seems to have
pillaged from "Threats"-I dread the day when we are going to pay for
that boon!), I said what the heck!
I decided on a force 11 spiritblast. It was as near the "number 12" cap
as I could possibly get. I made a force 9 astral quest,designed the
formula for fixed serious damage, and sat down to make the roll after
being istructed by the mysterious mage/shaman. After rolling 19 dice (10
for magic and 9 from the quest) for five times (using up 10 karma pool)
against a modified TN 20, I managed to roll 5 16s, 2 17s, and on my
last roll I finally roll my third 6 for an 18. I now only neede a 2+ to
get the long awaited superspell.
My game master evilly looked at me with his infamous jinx look and
I looked back at him with my infamous "you can't get me!I am invincible
Mr Bond!" look and promised that if I rolled a "one" I would strangle
I then rolled the die and procceded to roll a "one"!
After a brief chase around the gaming table and a aborted first degree
by strangulation, he promised to let me reroll the die if I burned a
permanent karma pool, which I procedded to do making it my third one
after the other two I burned at the arcology). I rolled a four and he
got away with his life and most of his bodily functions intact. :)
Thus i have my precarious spirit blast 11, which I don't use very often
cause I 've seen him scribble some obscure remarks behind his screen
every time I cast it like he's keeping a score or something, making all
kinds of funny noises like suppressed laughter or something!

If the spirit is force 8 or less I use my version of the spell at force


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.