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From: Rand Ratinac docwagon101@*****.com
Subject: Called Shots.
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 00:20:33 -0700 (PDT)
> > I know that calling a shot adds +4 to the TN to
hit the target and raises the damage level by one, but
does the victim gain the benefit of their armor or
not? I realize that this seems incredibly trivial, but
I have 5 very impressionable players who need me to
have all the answers.
> With the increased Damage Level, the target gets
their armor protection as normal. A simple house rule
would be to say you can call a shot to "go round" the
target's armor, but I wouldn't increase the Damage
Level for that type of called shot. It's far too
powerful if you allow both at the same time.
> Gurth@******.nl -

In all honesty, I've never tried this (no one's
actually tried any called shots in my games - dunno
why), but I'd suggest that a system to allow you to
shoot at unarmoured locations would be simple,
effective, work without having to worry about hit
location rules AND be a hell of a lot better than
what's already there. I mean, really, if my adept
sniper (rolling 18 dice with combat pool at a base
target number of 2 or 3, whatever the range, and using
centering to reduce penalties) did a called shot on
some idiot's unarmoured forehead, I'd expect him to go
down, unless he's a god. The rules as they stand mean,
if that idiot's wearing military grade armour
everywhere BUT his head, he'd likely have a good
chance of surviving that headshot, even though
everything in existence screams NOT! :)

As before a called shot has a target number of +4. I'd
increase this in case of small, moving or hard to hit
targets. Then you figure the armour coverage. It's
quite obvious for most items. Armour clothing is full
body coverage, except for hands (unless they're
wearing gloves), head and neck (unless it's an
armoured, hooded cloak or the like). Armoured vests
are torso coverage only. Jackets and torso and arms.
Long coats are torso, arms and upper legs. Jumpsuits
are again, everything but hands (you'd have to buy
armoured gloves separately), neck and head (although
many are hooded). Security grade armour and better is
full coverage, except for the head. Getting a helmet
will resolve that issue. The new styles of armour from
CC would require the player to describe the outfit to

Items like helmets, which add a certain amount of
armour, function as equal to the HIGHEST armour of
their particular grade. So a military grade helmet
would have the same armour rating as heavy military
helmets have the same rating as heavy security armour.
The old "regular" helmets from SRII and before (I'm
not sure if they're still in SR3) would be at least as
good as an armoured jacket. They're solid, so you
might want to rate them as light security armour.

Take the rating of the armour covering the area and
only use that rating when you're making a called shot
to that location. DON'T increase the damage level of
the shot any.

Unaimed shots are assumed to hit an armoured location
and use the normal SR rules. Shields cover the torso,
head, neck, arms, hands and possibly the upper legs,
depending on the size. They simply add their rating to
the armour on the location struck as normal, and,
obviously, only if you're shot from the front. They're
also assumed to NOT cover your gun-hand and lower arm
if you're shooting or attacking in melee yourself.

I'm sure someone's come up with a system similar or
indentical to this before, but, really, how hard would
it be to use and how much more realistic is it?

For the SR-know-it-all-types (you know who you are -
okay, to be plain, the playtesters/writers/etc ;) ),
why hasn't a rule like this been used - at the very
least, as an optional rule in CC? That would've been
the perfect place for it.

Hell, this rule is almost identical to the rules in
MechWarrior 3, come to think about it. If they can
have a system like that for a game where you're
primarily dealing with 'Mech combat (obviously, I'm
lumping BattleTech and MW in together here), why don't
they have one for SR, where the focus is on man-to-man combat??

(aka Mr. Freaky Big, Super-Dynamic Troll of Tomorrow, aka Doc'booner, aka Doc' Vader)

.sig Sauer

Can you SMELL what THE DOC' is COOKIN'!!!

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These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.