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From: TalonMail@***.com TalonMail@***.com
Subject: ED\SR - Denairastas Clan
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 12:32:54 EDT
"Simon Nixon" <a_9365@*******.com> wrote:
>I've never played ED but I've been told some stuff by people over the web

>and put a few things together myself. So, I've come to understand that the

>leaders of the Denairastas clan are Immortal Humans, made by some Great

>Dragon referred to as the Outcast. Apparently the Outcast went against the

>Dragon Councils rulings in mating with other races, after the Elves/Blood

>Wood debacle, so they tossed him outta the club so to speak. Can you tell me

>if this is right so far and any other useful info you might have on the


(Note that the following is in no way official, merely IMHO, particularly in
light of Living Room Games' acquisition of the Earthdawn license.)

The Denairastas are not immortal, although they are dragon-kin. They have a
greatly increased life-span (probably about four times that of a normal
human) but they do age and eventually die (although few of them ever die of
old age thanks to the intrigue within the family). I'm sure Uhl Denairastas
and more than a few of his kin would love to become immortal, however, and
they're probably working (in Earthdawn) on ways to do just that.
Interestingly enough, one of the things the great dragons of Barsaive did to
balance out the advantage of the Denairastas' long life-spans was to give the
kings of Throal potions to extend their lives (via Icewing), allowing them to
take advantage of the same "long view" as the Denairastas.

Unless they somehow succeeded in discovering a source of immortality, it's
unlikely any of the Denairastas survived the pass of the Fourth World. Of
course, if one or more of them DID discover a means of immortality, odds are
good that it involves a lot of nasty blood magic rituals, which would put
them in a great position to be involved with the Black Lodge (or similar
organization) if you so desired.

Maybe one day I'll get to write that sourcebook on the Denairastas and Iopos
that I discussed with FASA before Earthdawn was canceled.

Steve Kenson

Talon Studio


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.