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From: Josh Harrison mataxes@****.net
Subject: ED\SR - Denairastas Clan
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 22:00:45 -0400
----- Original Message -----
From: Simon Nixon <a_9365@*******.com>
> I've never played ED but I've been told some stuff by people over the web
> and put a few things together myself. So, I've come to understand that the
> leaders of the Denairastas clan are Immortal Humans, made by some Great
> Dragon referred to as the Outcast.

That is correct. However, it is never said the Denairastas are immortal (as
was pointed out). I don't think it *too* much of a stretch to say it is
theoretically possible they might be kicking around in 2060. Incidentally,
the Dragon is named Denairastas as well -- that's where the clan got its

> Apparently the Outcast went against the
> Dragon Councils rulings in mating with other races, after the Elves/Blood
> Wood debacle, so they tossed him outta the club so to speak.

The Blood Wood incident had nothing to do with the Draconic Council's ban on
siring dragon-kin. The Blood Wood came about because Alachia refused to
accept the Theran Empire's help to protect Wyrm Wood -- the exact reason
behind the schism in the Elven Court has never been fully revealed. As the
saying goes, though, there is nothing more bitter than a family spat.

> Can you tell me
> if this is right so far and any other useful info you might have on the
> subject.

You're right about the Denairastas being sired by "The Outcast", and their
"family ties" with the IEs (indirectly).

> Reason is is that I've decided to make the dragon head of the Black Lodge
> with his chief Immortal Human as the Penultimate Master/Grand High Poohba
> whatever the title is. Links in nicely with the immortal leaders idea and
> the anti-elves stricture. See the Threats sourcebook.

Hmmm... interesting idea -- I have to say I kind of like it. The only
difficulty I see is that the Denairastas (in ED) aren't really anti-elf.
They want to conquer all of Barsiave, and the Blood Wood isn't really an
obstacle to that (as long as the Wood is left alone, Alachia will pretty
much let the rest of the planet go hang). In fact, there is a limited degree
of trade and interaction between the Denairastas and the certain families in
the Wood.

Most of the animosity is directed at the Kingdom of Throal, which is being
manipulated by the Draconic Council. Throal and Iopos are pieces in a game
being played by Icewing, Mountainshadow and the other Barsaivian Greats
against the Outcast. The Wood has no active link with any Dragon, and
therefore isn't really a piece in that game.

It is possible though, that the diplomatic ties between Blood Wood and Iopos
is an attempt by Denairastas to subvert the Wood for his own purposes. I
doubt Alamaise would be happpy about that, he has a personal interest in
regaining control of the Wood -- it used to be his domain (at least
according to the Blood Wood SB).

Hope this extra info helps.

-- Josh Harrison -- mataxes@****.net
"When Fate taps you on the shoulder, you'd best pay attention.
Unfortunately, she has the blasted habit of tapping you on the
opposite shoulder, so that when you turn around she's actually
on your other side, giggling like a schoolgirl. I hate that."


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.