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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Simon J. Berger simonjberger@*****.se
Subject: SV: chipjacks and expert drivers
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 16:15:18 +0200
(I'm new to this list; hope I'm welcome anyway:)

The way I see it, NOT limiting the total number of Pool Dice is simply not
an option. I figure the meaning of the rules is that you don't have any use
for help beyond a certain level, depending on your natural skill. Thusly, if
you have a Skill Value of 4, you can't get more than four extra dice on a
single action using that skill, no matter how many different Dice Polls and
Task Pools you have.

Anything else would be very strange, I think.

/Simon J. Berger

>Från: Mark Abbott <markabbott@****.com>
>Till: shadowrn@*********.com
>Ämne: Re: chipjacks and expert drivers
>Datum: tis 27 jun 2000 15.54

>> Maybe because those skills are generally under-used anyhow, especially
>>by the kind of cyber-hardcase who would sink 2 essence worth of cyber into
>>using skillsofts? Adepts get a similarly potent boost to some of those
>>skills, and mages can often do similarly well on those tasks with their
>>spells, so this level of ability itself is not really new.
>> The potential flexibility is certainly newly impressive, and if it
>>actually DISPLACES all normal use of those skills, its maybe a problem. It
>>doesn't seem it generally does so, though. <Shrug>
> Interesting, thanks for the opinion. I DO like limiting total pool
> dice, no matter what pool they're drawn from. I suspect that one
> will end up in our game whatever our GMs decide about the CED.
> Mark


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