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From: Alfredo B Alves dghost@****.com
Subject: Tattoo Foci (Was: Sustanined/Perminant)
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 18:09:00 -0500
On Thu, 29 Jun 2000 17:39:28 GMT "Phil Smith"
<phil_urbanhell@*******.com> writes:
> I've just had a largely unconnected idea; ages and ages ago me and
> Wavy were
> talking about the potential for magical tattoos as with quickening.
> Picture, for example, a weapon focus tattoo all up an adept's arms
> that add
> their dice to his/her unarmed attacks, anchoring applied to magical
> tattoos
> which fade after they have been used. I'm not that familiar with
> the
> enchanting rules so I'm not sure how this would work; any ideas?

Tattoo Foci? I would think Tattoo would bond foci like everyone else ...
Ba-da-dum :)

How's this ... mostly, just off the top of my head, so it probably has
lotsa holes :)
1. Create ink.
Create inks for a tattoo as per Tattoo Magic (see QUICKENING), replacing
"every 2 Force Points of the spell being quickened" with "Every Force
point of the focus". The inks automatically qualify as Handmade Telsma
and may further qualify as Virgin Telsma if the appropriate conditions
are met. Extra alchemical materials, including orichalcum, may be worked
into the ink to receive the appropriate modifiers (see page 44 MitS). The
base Target number is the Force of the focus to be enchanted.

2. Apply the tattoo.
Then, the tattoo takes up ([Force]^2)x(Multiplier from first bonding
table)x100 square centimeters. Modifiers to bonding costs apply toward
reducing the size of the tattoo. Each -1 karma cost reduces the minimum
area of the tattoo by the tattooist's magic rating. (Extra Alchemical
Materials are worked into the inks, Orichalcum gives the tattoo a metalic

3. Enchant tattoo.
Enchanting of the focus proceeds as normal. Any qualifiers that applied
to the enchanting test for the inks apply to this enchanting test as well
as to the first bonding costs.

4. Other stuff.
The tattoo/focus resists attacks at twice its rating and is masked at
half its rating (round up). (Ie, one point of masking will hide a R2
tattoo/focus but if it is not masked, it still detects as a R2 focus.)

Uh ... what happens if someone destroys a full-body tattoo/focus?

D. Ghost
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These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.