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From: Simon J. Berger simonjberger@*****.se
Subject: Cybertorsos
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 16:48:58 +0200
>> Anyway, I'm wondering how much muscle you think they have. Back muscles?
>> Stomach? Neck and chest, hip, etc? I can't remember whether cybertorsos
>> incorporate that stuff or not.

> Interesting problem. We have always played that there is nothing but fake skin
> over the torso, good after a fall or a fight, when the skin is all torn a la
> Terminator. I'd say things like shoulder muscles would be replaced, but
> connected to real muscles in the arms etc. if they haven't been replaced too.

Do you think it's possible to have the torso replaced, but not the limbs?
Me, I don't think so. I mean, cut off the arms, legs and the head, lay them
aside. Then open the chest and take out all vital organs and place them in a
cybertorso (all this is fine, I think), and then attach the organic limbs

I have always seen the cybertorso as the ultimate part in cybernation; when
you get that, you're a complete cyborg.

> In all, though, in my opinion there would be significantly less body mass to
> be sacrificed during starvation, maybe the character will overnight get really
> skinny legs :?) I am wondering about the pictures of the cybertorso having a
> flat and featureless groin area. Men's special attachment to their genitalia
> aside, where do the waste products go?

I would believe that the testicles are saved during the transplantation,
along with other important organs, and the placed inside he hard shell of
the cyber torso. The endocrines created by this organ can't be spared­it
would make the psychological trauma of cybernation even worse, and would no
doubt result in unwanted personality disturbance.

For practical, everyday purposes a synthetic penis is usually attached on
the outside, together with the cyntetic skin. This is optional, but not the
testicles. The synthetic penis can probably not be used for intercourse,

Likewise female cyborgs get their internal sexual organs transplanted to the
new torso. Neither sex can get children, though.

When it comes to starvation... Doc says a full human can survive for up to
40 or 50 days. Fine. Say that a starving human takes stun damage that
increases over time. I suggest one damage level every five days. After
Deadly Stun the damage overflows, as usual, and the character is practically
helpless, though not necessarily unconscious ALL the time.

A full conversion cyborg must have some energy reserves imlanted, probably
glycogen reserves, but not fat, which lasts longer.

I suggest that the cyborg can manage the same five days as the full human
without eating, but that the damage levels inrease every TWO days after
that. Better glycogen reserves could be implanted as an option.

/Simon J. Lynx


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.