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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: "Gurth" <gurth@******.nl>
Subject: Re: genetically-reconstructed brontosaurus
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 12:42:53 +0100
Steven Ratkovich said on 22:49/13 Sep 96...

> Another theory held by some Christian scientists estimate the earth at an
> even younger age, somewhere in the 5 didgit range of like 22,000 years...

Maybe it's just me doubting that there are any beings as "gods" (that's
another debate, one that's best avoided here) but this seems way too short
to me... But then, I also don't understand exactly how you combine
religion with science.

Maybe it's the EI who's making us think this way :)

> Now, while I'm not sure who is right, I do know this...
> Shadowrun is a world where magic exists and in 2011, quite a few formally
> held opinions on how the Earth worked had to be changed. Maybe magic has
> messed up carbon dating... If we have dinosaur bones that are millions of
> years old, why don't we have and Troll or Orc skeletons from however many
> thousands of years it's been since the last magic age? Where are the dragon
> bones? Ok, Dunkelzahn mentioned some in his will... So why weren't they
> found before the awakening? How about all the other paranormal creatures?
> Where are all their bones?

Complete skeletons are very rare, and who says that what we call, for
example, Neanderthals weren't orks who lived hundreds of thousands of
years ago? Or that the bones we assume are of children, in fact belonged
to dwarfs?
As for the paranormal animals, maybe mammoths had paranormal powers, but
we'd never find out about them because it would be very hard for evidence
of them to survive in fossilized bones and frozen cadavers :)

> The game is deliberately left open so that the majority of Shadowrun Games
> don't get bogged down by meaningless drivel. However, for those of you who
> want to have this info, or need to have it, because you're playing a mage
> scientist who's trying to formulate these theories, well then by all means
> feel free. This is at the player and Gm's discretion.

Yes. And part of the drivel on this list is there to help GMs work out
plot ideas, which this debate might just do...

> Well, I kinda went off the topic, but the point to all my rambling is this:
> Don't worry about the details... Just have fun...:)

Part of the fun is in finding explanations for why things are the way they
are, if you ask me...

Gurth@******.nl -
We run and don't look back.
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Version 3.1:
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These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.