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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Avenger <Avenger@*******.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Here we go again...
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 04:03:23 +0100
>>>>>[Some people just can't help themselves can they?

+++++Include: Moon Views broadcast

A weeping priest kneels besides the twisted bodies of several young
children, the burns on their small bodies extensive, the pain of their
deaths evident. A hysterical woman screams in mortal agony from the
restraining arms of a police officer. A sign, still smouldering, hangs
over the burned shell of a hostel. "COT Brotherhood of Hope & Charity"

The camera pulls back to a slim dark haired beauty.

"And again the anger of the residents of Tarislar comes to the fore. A
series of racist attacks by the terrorist group CoT has resulted in more
vicious street fighting in the barrens as metahuman vigilantes respond
to the terrorist attacks.

"Earlier this evening a group of elven youths entered the Chapel of Rest
behind me, renovated by Thunda's Children last month, and used to feed
and treat the residents of this area. The killing spree was short and
brutal. Seventeen resident families and the two Ork caretakers were
slaughtered brutally with edged weapons - initial statements from the
Police describe the weapons as fireaxes and meat cleavers. After they
had attacked and killed the adults in the building, the young thugs
locked the children into a room and set fire to the building. Fire
fighters arrived on the scene too late to control the blaze, resulting
in the scene you see behind me.

"I hope you are watching this Abbadon, whoever you might be. Look
proudly on what you have achieved. The deaths of yet more children and
innocent civilians. You claim to fight for a cause, yet have no
political statement beyond genocide of UCAS citizens. You claim that
you hate and fight against the presence of metahumans in the UCAS, yet
behind me is evidence of your handiwork. Behind me is the result of
your so called campaign. More senseless deaths.

"I trust you are pleased that you are also responsible for killing the
humans you proclaim to defend."

The camera pans around the crowd, firefighters reeling in hoses, some
looking shocked, police officers laying a cordon around the scene as
forensics teams pick through the burned shell of the building. Meat
wagons ferry bodies away from the scene.

"In an earlier incident in Redmond, a mortar attack against an Elven
Policlub - the Forest Rangers, left sixteen dead and twenty one injured.
Police believe that this attack was a reprisal for the earlier incident.
It seems that the legacy left to Seattle by Thunda in 2057 has yet to
play itself out. I asked at the time whether it was right for the SIGA
agent Lynch to have executed Thunda so publicly, and it appears that I
was right to question that action. Once again we see more terror, more
deaths, more heedless slaughter in the name of a man who was nothing
more than a rabid killer. A public trial of the terrorist Jaxon
Goldsmith would perhaps have achieved more than the martyrdom he has
since achieved.

Back to you Bob...."

A statement has been released....

+++++End Include

Are you watching Abbadon? Once upon a time I might have sympathised
with you, once upon a time I might even have agreed with you, but not
now. This is too much, and you may blame the elves, orks, trolls,
whatever for this slaughter, but the simple fact is it's your fault.
YOU killed these people, and others.

-- Goliath <03:59:23/04-16-59>


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.