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From: Avenger <Avenger@*******.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Killings? Racists?
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 04:54:58 +0100
*****PRIVATE: Easy
>>>>>[Terrorism, in the forms you mention Easy, failed because they were
independant actions undertaken by a poorly organised limited force. It
succeeds when there is sufficient political, financial and logistical
back up to secure a victory.

Do you doubt that anti metahuman feelings are not a powerful
motivational force? Check the candidates of the last elections, and
those campaigning for the next presidency, check the tenets, declared
political affiliations and letcures of current senators occupying
Congress. Check the backing CoT themselves have if you are capable. We
are not an isolated group of psycho killers such as Meinhoff etc. We
are a /movement/. Politically, financially, structurally, logistically
and personnel wise. Do you even begin to believe that the amount of
money offered on the head of Jason Lynch could possibly have come from
the single pocket of an individual? It was from a consortium of people
who believe that the Movement is a valid and viable force, and that
there is a valid point to be made, the death of Lynch is merely one of
those points - aside from the fact that he's a total pain in the arse.

Terrorism does work, it is a historical fact that it works, depending on
- as I have said before - how it is employed.

International groups such as as Hamas, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil
Elam, Iran's Bonyade Mostazafan operate through a world wide network of
veneers (reported to include UCAS, UAE, Germany, Singapore, and Africa).
Inner city "terrorism" that operates in the form of the "18th Street
Gang" in L.A. (a sophisticated, multi-ethnic group that includes some
"cyber-talent," operates a WEB page out of New Zealand; deals drugs and
death in the City of L.A.) or El Rukns in Chicago. Khmer Rouge is still
considered active and dangerous, Shinrikyo cult in Japan, Free Papua
Movement (OPM) in Indonesia, Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front (JKIF) in
India, Anti-Imperialist Cell (AIZ) in Germany, and many many others, far
too numerous to mention here. Many still active after nearly a century,
some successfully, some not, some new, some old, but still it is a tool
that is employed when oppressive governments and government operatives
refuse to give a voice to the pain of seperatist or reactionary groups.

In this country, the government lives in mortal fear of the elven power
nation, Tairngire, and allows this pseudo fascist state to exist, and to
continually infiltrate followers into UCAS cities, Some of us have
decided that enough is enough, and if the Federal government is too
cowardly to take a stand, then the people themselves must do so. It is
our constitutional right to defend our lands from an invader. You, as
an elf, are an invader of these lands, you have seen to kill, main,
displace and slaughter thousands of families, in your quest for a
"nation", when you could have lived in peace in this country. You
people saw fit to declare war on California, because they had a bit of
coastline you wanted, you see fit, to kill and main hundreds every year
in the name of the glorious Tarislar... Well, madam, the worm has
turned, now it's our turn to do the kicking, and if by the acts of
terrorism the word gets out that there are some who would stand against
the shadow of oppressive metahuman rule, encouraging others across this
great nation to follow suit, then it is a good thing.

Your statement that I am proven wrong historically, is completely
inaccurate, you may be enjoy history, but you are watching the wrong
century. Terrorism has worked, the very existence of Tairngire, is
statement to that fact. The existent of a powerful nation in the form
of Aztlan is proof that terrorism, on a growing scale works. The
valiant battles fought against oppressive governments in other areas of
the world, such as Britain, France, Spain, Greece, are all testament to
the fact that terrorism works when employed correctly. The existence of
Tarislar is statement to the fact.

In the last century, a movement such as CoT would not have existed,
there were no elves to introduce new forms of fear to the world, to
meddle in affairs of no concern to them, to gloat in their longevity and
assumed superiority. In the last century, terrorists fought against
governments, alone, they fought, and still fight against colour, creed
and race. CoT do not fight against race, but for the survival of
mankind. We know what is happening in Tairngire, in NaNog, in other
parts of the world, we know what it is the elves are doing, and why. We
will not tolerate it any longer.]<<<<<
-- Abbadon <04:54:12/04-18-59>


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.