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Message no. 1
From: Tomer Brisker <brisker@******.CO.IL>
Subject: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 22:53:38 +0200
Neo-Anarchist's Guide To The World
Tomer "Nailer" Brisker - brisker@******
Ralfi "Zapper" Balli - aet1424@********
(>) Well folks, I decided to compile a file for those of you who are
thinking about paying us a visit here in Israel, so enjoy! <disp. grin> Also
helped me with some of the information gathering and compiling is a friend
of mine, Zapper.
(>) Nailer
(>) To those of you who don't know him already, Nailer is a matrix legend in
his country, and a proud member of shadowland. Please note that any info in
here is most likely to be true, since if it's online in Israel, Nailer can
get it.
(>) Captain Chaos


Population: approx. 15 Million
Area: all of 1997's Israel, plus the west bank and the gazza strip, golan
hights, western part of jordan, and southern lebanon.
Capitol: Ha'Gush Ha'Mercazi (hebrew for the central metro, consisting of
the area between Tel-aviv-Jaffa and Jerusalem)
Major Citys: Ha'Gush Ha'Mercazi- 5,000,000, Haifa Metro- 3,000,000, Be'er
Sheva metro-2,000,000, Eilat- 1,000,000
Sales Tax: 15% (except Eilat Free Trade Zone)
Price index (calculated before street index): American items: 1.5, Europen
items: 1, Israeli items: 0.75, Others: 1
% Literate: 90%
% Urban: 80%
Per Capita Income: 30,000¥
Religions: Jewish (Reformed)- 60%, Jewish (Conservative)- 10%, Jewish
(Orthodox)- 5%, Muslim- 15%, Cristian- 5%, Pagan- 3%, Others- 2%.
Races: Humans-60%, Dwarves- 15%, Orks- 10%, Trolls- 5%, Elves- 10%
Main Industies: Hi-Tech Weaponry, Hi-Tech Computers, Services, Agriculture
(>)Here is some more info for you:
Military ratings (1(worst)-10(best)): Infantry: 7
Airforce: 10
Navy: 6
Matrix: 8
Magic: 5
Magic: 5% have magic, of which: 60% are hermetic adepts,
30% are hermetic mages,
4% are shamnic adepts,
3% are physads
2% are other
1% are shamans
(>) Intersting to note that most of the hermetics are practitioners
of Kabalah (which means that they think that their magic is a gift
from god), and that means that their view of astral space is diffrent
from that of new age hermetics. (It has something to do with the Garden
of Eden).
(>) Zapper

In 2004 Libya unleashed a chimical weapons attack against Israel. The
Israelis responded with a nuclear strike that destroyed half of Libya's
cities, and Libya hasn't fought Israel since. In 2008 Syria, Jordan,
Palastine, and Lebanon open a joined war against israel. It becomes clear
that peace will not be possible without a great loss of land. Due to this
war, Israel conquers all of Lebanon, about 1/2 of Jordan, and more of the
Golan Heights. In the Oslo 4 agreements, reached on 2012, all of Palastine
is moved to northern Lebanon. During the same time, the Mosad terminates
many heads of terorist organization, a move that causes all of the terorist
organizations to unite into one, called the Lohamei Allah, or Wariors of
God, based in New Palastine. The WOG is powered by Iran, Syria, and verious
Neo-Nazis and Antisematic groups from all over the world. The WOG still
exists in 2057, altough many attempts were made to destroy it. In 2016 Prime
Minister Chaim Schonl was assassinated, and the assassin was killed in
violent confrontations.
During the Awakening, Israel was lightly affected, and has not suffered any
great losses. Israel adopted to Goblinization reletivly easily, as Israelies
are used to have diffrent people with them, since Israel has always been a
country of mixed cultures. Only few magicians appeared, mostly became
hermetic casters. Srafim (6 armed flying reptiles) and verious other
Biblical creatures have apeared during the Awakening, but have not created a
major threat, and even helped people in some cases.

Israel of the 2050's:

Today Israel still creates High-Tech weponry, and newer and improved
versions of verious older Israeli weapons, such as Uzi III SMG, Galil II
Assault Rifle, Desert Eagle III Pistol, and others. They also make excelent
drones and unmaned aircrafts, as well as improved aircrafts. The Israely
Airforce is considered one of the best in the world (Qualty-wise, not
Quantety-wise), as well as the Mosad (Israeli CIA). The IDF has 2 special
forces: Matrix and Magic, aka M&M, which are distributed amongst the other
forces. Matrix is responsible for country-wide Matrix securty.
(>) As well as decking into enemy county's Matrix systems and messing things
(>) Nailer
Magic is responsible for magical assistance, and are scattred throughout
every unit, helping both in pre-combat, combat, and after combat.
(>) Groups from the M&M are occasionally sent to UCSA and CAS for advanced
(>) Nailer
(>) Actually, the advenced training stuff is just to keep good political
relations between us and the UCAS and CAS. The REAL advenced training is
done in the high security facility in the Negev, and I talk from experience
when I say that the security there is so tight, that not even a fly can get
in unnoticed.
(>) Zapper


As far as political ties go, Israel is allyed with UCSA, CAS, England, some
NAN countries, the Saudi Caliphate, the Scandivaian Federation, and verious
City-States throughout the world. It's major enemies are Iran, Syria,
Palastine, and verious other City-States. Israel has a representative on the
Security board of the UN. As far as politics go, Israel is ruled by the only
democratic goverment in the middle east.
Israel uses a similar system to the Tirs when it comes to the megacorps.
[rules are in the Tir book] Also corps can make contracts with the
government for better terms, for example Fuchi made a contract with the
government to provide it with computers, and in exchange they have recived a
tax deduction of 10%. [GM Note: feel free to make up any others.]
Eilat is a free trade zone, which means there is no sales tax there.
For legalety codes, use 2 levels higher then in the book. If that takes it
above the highest legalety code, then it's illigal.
All magic users need to register with the IMA, Israeli Magic Association.
Locals are usually registered by their family as soon as the ability is
discovered, and outsiders need to register upon arrival. After the
registeration area at the entry point, everyone is astrally scaned and those
that are detected as magic users and have not registered are automaticlly
exiled from Israel for 3 years. If the magic user has a criminal record or
no SIN, he is exiled for 5 years. This is to prevent terorist mages from
entering Israel.
(>) And that's if you're lucky, The first thing they do when they detect you
is to detain you for questioning, and if they don't like your answers then
it might be some time before you see the outside world again.
(>) Zapper


Israel has a closed matrix network, Which means that there are a limited
number of connection points between the Israeli matrix and the outside
matrix, all of them choke points with a rating of 20-red [per VRII]. This
will probobly kill any decker if he tries to deck past it. There IS black
ICE at these choke points.

(>) Luckly for you, I maintain a link to the outer matrix which isn't loaded
with ICE. Only problem is you will have to prove you are worthy of using it
by finding it. Once you do, you will face a very strong black ICE, which
would most likely kill you unless I personally give you the entry code. The
code changes every 24 hours, so you better hurry once you have it.
(>) Nailer

Adventure Ideas

* The runners are hired by the goverment to terminate WOG leaders.
* The runners are hired by the opposition to overthrow the goverment.
* The runners are recruited by the IDF for special operations (deckers and
mages- for M&M)
* The runners are hired by the Mosad as special agents.

Tomer Brisker
Adm, CinC of GSC
LtCmdr, Sci of the USS-Navigator-A (SFO)
LtCmdr, Sci of the USS-Greyhawk (ISF)
"Vaya Carenis Anendus!!!!!"
A wise man once said that peace is a dream.
Let's all be dreamers.
Message no. 2
From: Adam J <fro@***.AB.CA>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 15:21:01 -0700
At 22:53 02/01/98 +0200, you wrote:

Mainly nit picking :-)

>(>) To those of you who don't know him already, Nailer is a matrix legend in
>his country, and a proud member of shadowland. Please note that any info in
>here is most likely to be true, since if it's online in Israel, Nailer can
>get it.
>(>) Captain Chaos

Would Captain Chaos actually say anything like this? He usual instills
some confidence in the readers about the poster, but I don't recall him
ever saying anything like "This is likely to be true"..

>Area: all of 1997's Israel, plus the west bank and the gazza strip, golan
>hights, western part of jordan, and southern lebanon.

If this a 205x publication, why would they refer to 1997? (Aside from
that's the Israel we know:)

I think it would be a good idea to seperate some of the info that comes
later into the file into an out of character section. Game mechanics and
then Nailer making a comment right after them seems a bit out of place.

Aside from those, good job :-)


- \ TSS Productions \ The Shadowrun Supplemental
ShadowRN Assistant Fearless Leader \ AdamJ@******** \ fro@***
The Shadowrun Archive Co-Maintainer:
Message no. 3
From: Tomer Brisker <brisker@******.CO.IL>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 13:20:52 +0200
At 03:21 PM 1/2/98 -0700, Adam J wrote:
>At 22:53 02/01/98 +0200, you wrote:
>Mainly nit picking :-)
>>(>) To those of you who don't know him already, Nailer is a matrix legend in
>>his country, and a proud member of shadowland. Please note that any info in
>>here is most likely to be true, since if it's online in Israel, Nailer can
>>get it.
>>(>) Captain Chaos
>Would Captain Chaos actually say anything like this? He usual instills
>some confidence in the readers about the poster, but I don't recall him
>ever saying anything like "This is likely to be true"..

Think of Nailer as a person of say, Alis of wonderland's (she was in the
echo mirage team, and now lives in a UV world she created) caliber. If Alis
posted, wouldn't he say something like this?

>>Area: all of 1997's Israel, plus the west bank and the gazza strip, golan
>>hights, western part of jordan, and southern lebanon.
>If this a 205x publication, why would they refer to 1997? (Aside from
>that's the Israel we know:)

that is exactly the reason :)

>I think it would be a good idea to seperate some of the info that comes
>later into the file into an out of character section. Game mechanics and
>then Nailer making a comment right after them seems a bit out of place.

It's supposed to be sort of a file he got from somewhere and added his comments.

>Aside from those, good job :-)

Tomer Brisker
Adm, CinC of GSC
LtCmdr, Sci of the USS-Navigator-A (SFO)
LtCmdr, Sci of the USS-Greyhawk (ISF)
"Vaya Carenis Anendus!!!!!"
A wise man once said that peace is a dream.
Let's all be dreamers.
Message no. 4
From: Tim Cooper <tpcooper@********.CSUPOMONA.EDU>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 17:45:23 -0800
Tomer Brisker wrote:

> Think of Nailer as a person of say, Alis of wonderland's (she was in the
> echo mirage team, and now lives in a UV world she created) caliber. If Alis
> posted, wouldn't he say something like this?

Yes, but not so bluntly. Style! Be a bit more circumspect. People
don't refer to themselves as matrix legends.

> >If this a 205x publication, why would they refer to 1997? (Aside from
> >that's the Israel we know:)
> that is exactly the reason :)

But, it's not, it's a fictional piece to be written from the perspective
of people in 205x. If you want to tell what it covers, detail it
explicitly, not by an outdated, and out of context reference. Like Fro
said, why would someone in 205x refer to 1997.. it'd be about as
valuable as me using references to national boundries in the 1930's
rather than just telling the reader what I'm covering geographically.
If it's for the *PLAYERS OF SHADOWRUN the GAME* then put it in a
GameNotes section, otherwise write it for *Runners in 205x* as if they
were actual people.

> >I think it would be a good idea to seperate some of the info that comes
> >later into the file into an out of character section. Game mechanics and
> >then Nailer making a comment right after them seems a bit out of place.
> It's supposed to be sort of a file he got from somewhere and added his
> comments.

If it was, why would *Nailer* be posting gamemechanics about the
fictional world in which he lives. Keep the perspective consistant, and
put system mechanics and GM/Player notes at the end or in specifically
marked sections.

> >Aside from those, good job :-)

Message no. 5
From: El Bandit <ElBandit@***.COM>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 16:35:51 EST
In a message dated 1/3/98 5:34:27 AM Eastern Standard Time,
brisker@******.CO.IL writes:

<< Think of Nailer as a person of say, Alis of wonderland's (she was in the
echo mirage team, and now lives in a UV world she created) caliber. If Alis
posted, wouldn't he say something like this? >>

Maybe its just me, but I can not see Chaos saying something like this. There
is no such thing as a truely reliable or unbaised source of info, since
everyone has their own aggendas and opions on things.

Just some thoughts, not meaning to offend.

-Bandit, the silent one
Message no. 6
From: George H Metz <wolfstar@****.COM>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 11:27:50 -0500
On Fri, 2 Jan 1998 22:53:38 +0200 Tomer Brisker <brisker@******.CO.IL>

>Neo-Anarchist's Guide To The World
>Tomer "Nailer" Brisker - brisker@******
>Ralfi "Zapper" Balli - aet1424@********

Overall, I personally liked it - which makes sense, seeing as it's your
country - with a few, mostly historical, exceptions. For instance:

>In 2004 Libya unleashed a chimical weapons attack against Israel. The
>Israelis responded with a nuclear strike that destroyed half of Libya's
>cities, and Libya hasn't fought Israel since.

Why? What provocation would Libya have to launch a chemical weapons
strike out over Egypt and possibly provoke them into coming in on
Israel's side? For that matter, why would they do it even without a risk?
I know Middle Eastern politics are confusing, but it may be a good idea
to explain it.

>In 2008 Syria, Jordan,
>Palastine, and Lebanon open a joined war against israel. It becomes
>that peace will not be possible without a great loss of land. Due to
>war, Israel conquers all of Lebanon, about 1/2 of Jordan, and more of
>Golan Heights.

Again, I have to ask, why? Why Palestine might do it is relatively
obvious, but how would they convince Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria -
ESPECIALLY Syria, who loves to wait for unauthorized border crossings by
foreign military units as an excuse to going to war - to join in the
fight? Syria could do it for revenge, but it's highly unlikely they would
risk provoking Turkey to the north by attacking west into Israel. Not to
mention what would happen to the rest of the region if a war like that

Like I said, overall, I liked it, but these were points that really
stuck me.

Wolfstar - wolfstar@****.com - Home Page Under Construction!

Some people simply are a waste of space on the buttocks of humanity.
-- Avenger

Version 3.1
GAT/! d- s+:+ a-- C++(++++)>$ U+ P? L>++ E? W++(--) N- o? K- w(--) O>+ M
!V PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5+++ X R++ tv+ b+(+++) DI++ D--- G e h!-- r*
Message no. 7
From: Tomer Brisker <brisker@******.CO.IL>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 19:37:57 +0200
Since I got quite a few replies about the Capt. Chaos part, i will change
it for the next revision. however, I am more interested in some creative
input, instead of nitpickings.
Tomer Brisker
Adm, CinC of GSC
LtCmdr, Sci of the USS-Navigator-A (SFO)
LtCmdr, Sci of the USS-Greyhawk (ISF)
"Vaya Carenis Anendus!!!!!"
A wise man once said that peace is a dream.
Let's all be dreamers.
Message no. 8
From: Predator Omega <ba1764@*******.BAYNET.DE>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 23:03:30 +0100
George H Metz schrieb:
> >In 2004 Libya unleashed a chimical weapons attack against Israel. The
> >Israelis responded with a nuclear strike that destroyed half of Libya's
> >cities, and Libya hasn't fought Israel since.
> Why? What provocation would Libya have to launch a chemical weapons
> strike out over Egypt and possibly provoke them into coming in on
> Israel's side? For that matter, why would they do it even without a risk?
> I know Middle Eastern politics are confusing, but it may be a good idea
> to explain it.

As far as I know (I'm not totaly sure) this is original FASA, check the
SR rulebook page ??? in the history section.

Predator Omega
Message no. 9
From: David Mezerette <mezeretted@*****.U-NANCY.FR>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 14:39:53 +0100
At 23:03 07/01/98 +0100, you wrote:
>George H Metz schrieb:
>> >In 2004 Libya unleashed a chimical weapons attack against Israel. The
>> >Israelis responded with a nuclear strike that destroyed half of Libya's
>> >cities, and Libya hasn't fought Israel since.
>> Why? What provocation would Libya have to launch a chemical weapons
>> strike out over Egypt and possibly provoke them into coming in on
>> Israel's side? For that matter, why would they do it even without a risk?
>> I know Middle Eastern politics are confusing, but it may be a good idea
>> to explain it.
> a propos, what was the reaction of european and american countries to
these aggressions? just too busy w/ their own problems?

Message no. 10
From: El Bandit <ElBandit@***.COM>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 01:38:01 EST
I know this is a silly question, but I really wnat to know.

Where is all this posted? Palo's site?


Message no. 11
From: Paolo Marcucci <paolo@*********.IT>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 17:07:32 +0100
At 14:39 08/01/98 +0100, David Mezerette said:
>At 23:03 07/01/98 +0100, you wrote:
>>George H Metz schrieb:
>>> >In 2004 Libya unleashed a chimical weapons attack against Israel. The
>>> >Israelis responded with a nuclear strike that destroyed half of Libya's
>>> >cities, and Libya hasn't fought Israel since.
>>> Why? What provocation would Libya have to launch a chemical weapons
>>> strike out over Egypt and possibly provoke them into coming in on
>>> Israel's side? For that matter, why would they do it even without a risk?
>>> I know Middle Eastern politics are confusing, but it may be a good idea
>>> to explain it.

IIRC, this comment (Libya attacking Israel) is taken directly from the Big
Black Book, aka SR2 core rulebook. Any question should be then redirected
to Mr. Dowd (or better Mike now :)

Bye, Paolo
Paolo Marcucci paolo@*********.it
InterWare Service Provider Trieste, Italy Tel. +39-40-360630
Message no. 12
From: George H Metz <wolfstar@****.COM>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 21:14:51 -0500
On Wed, 7 Jan 1998 23:03:30 +0100 Predator Omega
<ba1764@*******.BAYNET.DE> writes:
>George H Metz schrieb:
>> >In 2004 Libya unleashed a chimical weapons attack against Israel. The
>> >Israelis responded with a nuclear strike that destroyed half of
>> >cities, and Libya hasn't fought Israel since.
>> Why? What provocation would Libya have to launch a chemical weapons
>> strike out over Egypt and possibly provoke them into coming in on
>> Israel's side? For that matter, why would they do it even without a
>> I know Middle Eastern politics are confusing, but it may be a good
>> to explain it.
>As far as I know (I'm not totaly sure) this is original FASA, check the
>SR rulebook page ??? in the history section.

Very true, it is in there. However, I am of the firm opinion that the
second use of tactical nuclear devices in anger should get more of a
mention than "Libya got nuked for chemming Israel". He's in a unique
poistion to explain one of the more dreadful days in the history of the

Wolfstar - wolfstar@****.com - Home Page Under Construction!

Some people simply are a waste of space on the buttocks of humanity.
-- Avenger

Version 3.1
GAT/! d- s+:+ a-- C++(++++)>$ U+ P? L>++ E? W++(--) N- o? K- w(--) O>+ M
!V PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5+++ X R++ tv+ b+(+++) DI++ D--- G e h!-- r*
Message no. 13
From: "Darrell L. Bowman" <bowmandl@*****.DHR.STATE.NC.US>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 18:14:55 +0000
On 7 Jan 98 at 23:03, Predator Omega wrote:

> George H Metz schrieb:
> > >In 2004 Libya unleashed a chimical weapons attack against Israel. The
> > >Israelis responded with a nuclear strike that destroyed half of Libya's
> > >cities, and Libya hasn't fought Israel since.
> >
> > Why? What provocation would Libya have to launch a chemical weapons
> > strike out over Egypt and possibly provoke them into coming in on
> > Israel's side? For that matter, why would they do it even without a risk?
> > I know Middle Eastern politics are confusing, but it may be a good idea
> > to explain it.
> As far as I know (I'm not totaly sure) this is original FASA, check the
> SR rulebook page ??? in the history section.

You are correct sir,.. page 22, column 1, third paragraph.

What are you bitchin' about?, I only got tree sap on
the bottom of the wings.
-- Raven

Irish Elven Rigger with an Attitude

Darrell Bowman
UIN 1117228
Message no. 14
From: GKoth2258 <GKoth2258@***.COM>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 18:03:29 EST
Here's something for you Tomer. I'm not really comfortable with the
abbreviation of the mega-terrorist group being WOG. Maybe you aren't aware of
it, and actually, not too many people are today, but to call someone from the
Middle East a "wog" is a terrible insult. Kinda like in America calling a
black man a n***er (sorry, but I can't bring myself to even type that word;
call it a cultural block). As I understand it, it's more of a British thing,
but I really don't see a Middle Eastern group giving itself a name that, when
translated, is a racial epithet.

And please, don't call me politically correct. More than 99% of you on this
list I hate that whole trend. I left ShadowTK because some morons were being
PC and attacking me (among other reasons) for making a single "in character"

Message no. 15
From: Tomer Brisker <brisker@******.CO.IL>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 23:33:53 +0200
At 06:03 PM 1/20/98 EST, you wrote:
>Here's something for you Tomer. I'm not really comfortable with the
>abbreviation of the mega-terrorist group being WOG. Maybe you aren't
aware of
>it, and actually, not too many people are today, but to call someone from the
>Middle East a "wog" is a terrible insult. Kinda like in America calling a
>black man a n***er (sorry, but I can't bring myself to even type that word;
>call it a cultural block). As I understand it, it's more of a British thing,
>but I really don't see a Middle Eastern group giving itself a name that, when
>translated, is a racial epithet.
>And please, don't call me politically correct. More than 99% of you on this
>list I hate that whole trend. I left ShadowTK because some morons were being
>PC and attacking me (among other reasons) for making a single "in character"

Sorry, I didn't know that, I was simply using WOG as short for _W_ariors
_O_f _G_od, I'll type up the long form for the next version.
Also, to those of you who commented on the Capt. Chaos part, i'm just going
to remove it, and have Gurth/Erik put in the bit from the sysop. Also,
please add shadow comments people, and also let me know if there is
something about Israel in one of your source books, since I only have the
BBB and VRII and don't want to go against what FASA says on something.
Tomer Brisker
Adm, CinC of GSC
LtCmdr, Sci of the USS-Navigator-A (SFO)
LtCmdr, Sci of the USS-Greyhawk (ISF)
"Vaya Carenis Anendus!!!!!"
A wise man once said that peace is a dream.
Let's all be dreamers.
Message no. 16
From: Avenger <Avenger@*******.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 19:50:53 +0000
In article <7a4dc099.34c52d43@***.com>, GKoth2258 <GKoth2258@***.COM>
waffled & burbled about NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
>call it a cultural block). As I understand it, it's more of a British thing,
>but I really don't see a Middle Eastern group giving itself a name that, when
>translated, is a racial epithet.

It is a British thing, as you say. Wog was an "amusing" (to whites)
description of the blacks in our community. Golliwogs, which once were
a popular childs toy (black with large white eyes and red lips, round
face and fuzzy hair) and a symbol of a breakfast marmalade are now
politically incorrect... It is however a word used ocassionally by
Brits to describe anyone of different skin tone than caucasian, so it
applies to several races, though Arabs and other middle east/african
races were also described as "Fuzzie Wuzzies". A sort of PC military
term used during the 18th and early 19th centuries to describe the
natives of some colonial country who were getting "uppity". :)

I do agree that it is unlikely a Middle East terrorist group would call
itself such, assuming that they even know what it used to mean (someone
is likely to point out to them the error of their ways).

>And please, don't call me politically correct. More than 99% of you on this
>list I hate that whole trend. I left ShadowTK because some morons were being
>PC and attacking me (among other reasons) for making a single "in character"

I find that surprising, I have two "racist" characters alive and kicking
on Shadowtk, and neither of them use anything like PC words to describe
those of different skin tone, eye shape, hair style or race. /I've/ not
been attacked for it yet, though my characters do occassionally receive
some abuse.

Dark Avenger -:- -
Unofficial Shadowtk Newbies Guide, Edgerunners Datastore &
Beginnings of the Underseas Sourcebook. - Alternative UK Sourcebook
Message no. 17
From: Sasquatch <ab130f92@*******.ADELPHI.EDU>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 16:21:21 -0500
>Sorry, I didn't know that, I was simply using WOG as short for _W_ariors
>_O_f _G_od, I'll type up the long form for the next version.

Why not just use Lohamei Allah, the LA. OK, ends up as funny to Americans
especially us East Coast types who think Los Angeles (LA) is full of
crazies. But it would solve the problem. You don't even have to include the
translation. I may not be typical but I don't now the translation of
Hezbollah yet it sems to come up almost everytime the news talks about the
Mid-East. Besides, Lohamei Allah adds more local flavor.


| |
| Vidi, vici, veni |
| (Figure that one out.) |
| |
| ab130f92@******* |
| tech@******* |
| No Website (No time to make one) |
Message no. 18
From: GKoth2258 <GKoth2258@***.COM>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 16:28:42 EST
Interesting to hear more about the "wog" thing. I had been told by a
professor back in school that it stood for "wiley oriental gentleman," but
being American, he may have been wrong.

Something of some interest though is the fact that today in some backwater
villages in places like Yemen the worst thing to call someone is a "crusader."
Just think, an insult going back about 800 years. An insult I would think
would probably be revived in 2050s Middle East, with all the corporate

As for TK, I left that rabble about 2 years ago. I had been on that list for
3 or 4 years (which qualified me as an old-timer). Myself and a number of
other people left over a six month period because we just didn't like how the
list was going; not enough story, not enough "human" characters (everybody at
the time could kick God's ass), and at least one jerk who kept fraggin' up
other stories and with me and a few other people (who left) in particular.
But that's neither here nor there.

NERPS STATEMENT: Okay, here's the meat of the message, as far as NERPS goes.
I've read of Cyberpirates and I'm going to try to do one last version of my
world in brief article this weekend. It will include that changes explicit
from Cyberpirates and a number of changes I've inferred from the text to make
it a more dynamic planet.


Erik J.
the Dark Stranger (ah, those were the days...)
Message no. 19
From: Avenger <Avenger@*******.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 23:22:51 +0000
In article <8483f13b.34c6688d@***.com>, GKoth2258 <GKoth2258@***.COM>
waffled & burbled about NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
>Interesting to hear more about the "wog" thing. I had been told by a
>professor back in school that it stood for "wiley oriental gentleman," but
>being American, he may have been wrong.

I checked a little more after I posted to the list, and your professor
is correct, but not entirely. :) The phrase was used in such a manner
amongst the "Taipan" but in general it translated down to the services
and populace as a black man. Later used in commercials and packaging
for a marmalade. :)

>Something of some interest though is the fact that today in some backwater
>villages in places like Yemen the worst thing to call someone is a
>Just think, an insult going back about 800 years. An insult I would think
>would probably be revived in 2050s Middle East, with all the corporate

I can understand that considering the slaughter and sacking that the
crusaders indulged themselves in. And yes, it might well be translated
well into the 2050's for the reason you state.

>As for TK, I left that rabble about 2 years ago. I had been on that list for
>3 or 4 years (which qualified me as an old-timer). Myself and a number of
>other people left over a six month period because we just didn't like how the
>list was going; not enough story,

Story isn't too bad these days but...

>not enough "human" characters (everybody at
>the time could kick God's ass),

that still exists... :(

>and at least one jerk who kept fraggin' up
>other stories and with me and a few other people (who left) in particular.
>But that's neither here nor there.

That doesn't happen anywhere near as much as it used to. Things got
seriusly strict after a few "incidents" that resulted in the closest
thing to an international incident e-mail can achieve.

>Erik J.
>the Dark Stranger (ah, those were the days...)

<grin> Yeah, I've read 'em. :)

Dark Avenger -:- -
Unofficial Shadowtk Newbies Guide, Edgerunners Datastore &
Beginnings of the Underseas Sourcebook. - Alternative UK Sourcebook
Message no. 20
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 11:56:47 +0100
Tomer Brisker said on 23:33/21 Jan 98...

> Sorry, I didn't know that, I was simply using WOG as short for _W_ariors
> _O_f _G_od, I'll type up the long form for the next version.

You could use WOA -- Warriors Of Allah -- if you want to keep somethihng
like the abbreviation you used before. Yes, I know it's the same god Jews
and Christians worship, but for some reason the name Allah is not often

> Also, to those of you who commented on the Capt. Chaos part, i'm just going
> to remove it, and have Gurth/Erik put in the bit from the sysop.

Fine by me.

> Also, please add shadow comments people

> and also let me know if there is something about Israel in one of your
> source books, since I only have the BBB and VRII and don't want to go
> against what FASA says on something.

There isn't anything AFAIK. From what I heard, FASA worked out the rough
history of North America (and refined that when they wrote the actual
sourcebooks), but the rest of the world was left extremely vague. There is
no sourcebook about the Middle East, and I don't think other sourcebooks
mention much about the region either. Except for this, in the German
version of the Germany Sourcebook (I don;t know if it's also in the
English edition), page 28: On 1 October 2033 the "Alliance for Allah" (a
federation of Islamic countries) starts to "liberate" muslims in other
countries; tis includes attacks on Israel from all sides. I can't remember
if this is also in your article, but if it isn't, you might want to
incorporate it.

Gurth@******.nl - - UIN5044116
"Do we LOOK like secret agents?!"
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-
-> The New Character Mortuary: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 21
From: Les Ward <lward@*******.COM>
Subject: Re: NAGTTW: Israel (1/1)
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 10:37:28 -0500
>There is
>no sourcebook about the Middle East, and I don't think other sourcebooks
>mention much about the region either.

One official mention of the Middle East (though not Israel in particular)
occurs in a place that is hard to, because it's so odd. Basically a jihad
is declared against metahumanity. This useful bit of info is, peculiarly,
in the description of great dragons in the main rule book.


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about NAGTTW: Israel (1/1), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.