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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: "Steven A. Tinner" <bluewizard@*****.COM>
Subject: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 14:09:42 -0400
Fuchi Holopet/Holoassistant

Only from the minds at Fuchi could you find two unique different
applications of the same technology.
The Holopet is a descendent of the "digital pets" of the late 1990’s. A
holographic critter of whatever species you choose will animate and behave
as close to the real thing as possible within approved safety parameters.
Your child must play with it, feed it, etc. or it will sicken and die.
A great way to teach a child the responsibility of owning a pet, without the
tragic loss of animal life that the traditional method causes. Also, the
Holopet is perfect for those enclave dwellers who are unable, due to housing
or rules to have a real pet.
Current popular models include traditional dog and cat, as well as fun
awakened species as Baby Dragon, and L'il Griffin


The Holoassistant is just the thing for those busy executives that need a
personal assistant, but their travel schedule or position does not allow
them to utilize a live secretary.
A new advancement on the popular "Pocket Secretary", the HoloAssistant
combines excellent date keeping databases, voice recognition dictation, and
a full suite of office software with an attractive animated hologram
available in several attractive models, and genders.

You can dictate letters, memos, compose email, have the news read to you,
have novel-chips read to you, store recipes, even online special interest
groups are availble through membership in our private, secure HA-Series BBS,
as well as other "adult" entertainment options.

Specify male/female, age, hair and eye color, as well as build when
NEW SPECIAL - We can now outfit your holoassistant with any face you
specify. Want your HA to sport your wife's face? No problem! How about
popular celebrities? Anyone in the Fuchi stable is available. Allow an extra
3 days for delivery.


Holopet - 25 nuyen (includes holoprojector and software)
Holoassistant - 45 nuyen (includes holoprojector and software - add 20 nuyen
for adult package, 20 nuyen additional for custom hologram)


> OK, I know some of you are wondering why I'd bother to post this suit -
drek, but it does one valuable thing for us scroffy runner types - it gives
us information! Does Mr. Suit have a holoassistant imaged as a major
simstarlet? Now you know one of his weaknesses. Does the kid you need to
extract have a Baby Dragon holopet? Maybe a well placed illusion would lure
him away from a crowd to where he can more easily be extracted.

> Buddy - "Data is Power"

>Slot that. What's really wizzer about this is the "adult entertainment
options!" Ever want to see the girl in the cubicle across from your obeying
your every whim? One discreet holo of her, and she's yours forever as a



Steven A. Tinner
"While we live, let's live in clover"
Message no. 2
From: Edward Poe <hedley@********.COM>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 13:46:02 -0500
Hmm. Ever see the series Time Trax? The holographic personal secretary
sounds like the character Selma. I like it...
Message no. 3
From: George H Metz <wolfstar@****.COM>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 14:38:43 EDT
On Mon, 8 Sep 1997 14:09:42 -0400 "Steven A. Tinner"
<bluewizard@*****.COM> writes:
> Fuchi Holopet/Holoassistant
>(>) OK, I know some of you are wondering why I'd bother to post this
suit -
>drek, but it does one valuable thing for us scroffy runner types - it
>us information! Does Mr. Suit have a holoassistant imaged as a major
>simstarlet? Now you know one of his weaknesses. Does the kid you need to
>extract have a Baby Dragon holopet? Maybe a well placed illusion would
>him away from a crowd to where he can more easily be extracted.
>(>) Buddy - "Data is Power"
>(>)Slot that. What's really wizzer about this is the "adult
>options!" Ever want to see the girl in the cubicle across from your
>your every whim? One discreet holo of her, and she's yours forever as a

(>)You're pathetic Drooler. Remind me to get a holo of you for a
holoassistant when I feel like a bitch queen.


(>) Children, play nice. Something that you all are overlooking is the
tactical advantage of these. A wiz decker should be able to reprogram a
holoassistant - or a holopet for that matter(what happens when Baby
Dragon grows up?) - to present an image of a generic person in combat
gear firing an assault rifle. They're cheap, and you can sprinkle them
liberally about a perimeter for when the drek hits the circulator.


Wolfstar, Fearless Leader of Myself(Too bad my follower isn't fearless!) (That's a ZERO, not the letter "o" in my
"WHICH CHEEK?!?!?!?"
-- Me, after getting hit in the butt with a chunk of door during an
Message no. 4
From: Bull <chaos@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 15:32:08 -0400
> OK, I know some of you are wondering why I'd bother to post this suit -
drek, but it does one valuable thing for us scroffy runner types - it gives
us information! Does Mr. Suit have a holoassistant imaged as a major
simstarlet? Now you know one of his weaknesses. Does the kid you need to
extract have a Baby Dragon holopet? Maybe a well placed illusion would lure
him away from a crowd to where he can more easily be extracted.

> Buddy - "Data is Power"

>Slot that. What's really wizzer about this is the "adult entertainment
options!" Ever want to see the girl in the cubicle across from your obeying
your every whim? One discreet holo of her, and she's yours forever as a


(>) Hehe, this is amusing to see finally marketed by someone, though I'm
suprised it was Fuchi that put it out first. Renraku's had the tech for at
least a year now.
See, I did a run against them about a year ago that went bad (the
whole thing ended up being VR anyways, but that's another story). Anyways,
along the way we met up with a chummer that we knew was dead! I'd seen him
take a dive from a half mile up when his parachute "failed". Well, at some
point during the run we "acquired" a holographic emitter that had Billy's
brainwave patterns recorded into it, making it semi-arificially intelligent.
Named the thing the "Billy-Gram". if you know why, you're showing
your age...:]
(>) Bull
"The best Ork Decker you never met"
Bull, aka Steven Ratkovich, aka Rak, aka a lot of others! :]

The Offical Celebrity Shadowrn Mailing List Welcome Ork Decker!
Fearless Leader of the Star Wars Mailing List
List Flunky of ShadowCreations, creators of the Newbies Guide,
in production now!

"Whoever invented solataire is one sadistic son of a bitch"
-- Me, after spending 2 hours trying to win a game
Message no. 5
From: Glenn Robb <GLENNROBB@*******.NET>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 15:35:35 -0600
Steven A. Tinner wrote:

> Fuchi Holopet/Holoassistant
> Only from the minds at Fuchi could you find two unique different
> applications of the same technology.
> The Holopet is a descendent of the "digital pets" of the late 1990’s. A
> holographic critter of whatever species you choose will animate and behave
> as close to the real thing as possible within approved safety parameters.
> Your child must play with it, feed it, etc. or it will sicken and die.
> A great way to teach a child the responsibility of owning a pet, without the
> tragic loss of animal life that the traditional method causes. Also, the
> Holopet is perfect for those enclave dwellers who are unable, due to housing
> or rules to have a real pet.
> Current popular models include traditional dog and cat, as well as fun
> awakened species as Baby Dragon, and L'il Griffin

(>) Sounds like something a poor little rich kid would buy.(>) The

> ----------
> The Holoassistant is just the thing for those busy executives that need a
> personal assistant, but their travel schedule or position does not allow
> them to utilize a live secretary.
> A new advancement on the popular "Pocket Secretary", the HoloAssistant
> combines excellent date keeping databases, voice recognition dictation, and
> a full suite of office software with an attractive animated hologram
> available in several attractive models, and genders.
> You can dictate letters, memos, compose email, have the news read to you,
> have novel-chips read to you, store recipes, even online special interest
> groups are availble through membership in our private, secure HA-Series BBS,
> as well as other "adult" entertainment options.
> Specify male/female, age, hair and eye color, as well as build when
> ordering.
> NEW SPECIAL - We can now outfit your holoassistant with any face you
> specify. Want your HA to sport your wife's face? No problem! How about
> popular celebrities? Anyone in the Fuchi stable is available. Allow an extra
> 3 days for delivery.
> ----------
> Holopet - 25 nuyen (includes holoprojector and software)
> Holoassistant - 45 nuyen (includes holoprojector and software - add 20 nuyen
> for adult package, 20 nuyen additional for custom hologram)
> ----------
> > OK, I know some of you are wondering why I'd bother to post this suit -
> drek, but it does one valuable thing for us scroffy runner types - it gives
> us information! Does Mr. Suit have a holoassistant imaged as a major
> simstarlet? Now you know one of his weaknesses. Does the kid you need to
> extract have a Baby Dragon holopet? Maybe a well placed illusion would lure
> him away from a crowd to where he can more easily be extracted.
> > Buddy - "Data is Power"
> >Slot that. What's really wizzer about this is the "adult entertainment
> options!" Ever want to see the girl in the cubicle across from your obeying
> your every whim? One discreet holo of her, and she's yours forever as a
> holoassistant!
> >Drooler

(>) Pornographic, very pornographic man.(>) The Neo-Iconoclast


(>) Hey, how come we are commenting on stuff we never use? Just wondering. .
.(>) Cybermancer

> ----------
> Steven A. Tinner
> bluewizard@*****.com
> "While we live, let's live in clover"
Message no. 6
From: Sasquatch <ab130f92@*******.ADELPHI.EDU>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 18:24:36 -0400
>> Fuchi Holopet/Holoassistant
>>(>) OK, I know some of you are wondering why I'd bother to post this
>suit -
>>drek, but it does one valuable thing for us scroffy runner types - it
>>us information! Does Mr. Suit have a holoassistant imaged as a major
>>simstarlet? Now you know one of his weaknesses. Does the kid you need to
>>extract have a Baby Dragon holopet? Maybe a well placed illusion would
>>him away from a crowd to where he can more easily be extracted.
>>(>) Buddy - "Data is Power"
>>(>)Slot that. What's really wizzer about this is the "adult
>>options!" Ever want to see the girl in the cubicle across from your
>>your every whim? One discreet holo of her, and she's yours forever as a
>(>)You're pathetic Drooler. Remind me to get a holo of you for a
>holoassistant when I feel like a bitch queen.
>(>) Children, play nice. Something that you all are overlooking is the
>tactical advantage of these. A wiz decker should be able to reprogram a
>holoassistant - or a holopet for that matter(what happens when Baby
>Dragon grows up?) - to present an image of a generic person in combat
>gear firing an assault rifle. They're cheap, and you can sprinkle them
>liberally about a perimeter for when the drek hits the circulator.

>Only problem with it is that if the user is smart it won't always be
hooked to the net. It is a protable unit with it's own software. No decking
it if you can't get to it. While it may give an insight inot your target
you're not going to be able to get to it easily and make it turn against
it's owner. That's the main reason Pocket Secretaries are so popular. You
plug 'em in for a few minutes and get what you need. No worries about



| |
| Vidi, vici, veni |
| (Figure that one out.) |
| |
| ab130f92@******* |
| tech@******* blair@***** |
| No Website (No time to make one) |
Message no. 7
From: Barbie <barbie@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 01:32:21 -0500
At 08-Sep-97 wrote Steven A. Tinner:

[sniped all the good stuff from Tinner about holos]

Ok, guys did anyone of you know the Wilp Palms mini series?
They had a very evil way for holos, as an alterned reality which comes over
the TV.
And what is better they invented a drug that let his user "feel" and interact
with a holo.

Any interresest, for a SR make up of this stuff?


One lived hour is still living.
Message no. 8
From: Adam J <fro@***.AB.CA>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 17:21:44 -0600
At 15:35 9/8/97 -0600, you wrote:
>> (>)Slot that. What's really wizzer about this is the "adult entertainment
>> options!" Ever want to see the girl in the cubicle across from your obeying
>> your every whim? One discreet holo of her, and she's yours forever as a
>> holoassistant!
>> (>)Drooler
>(>) Pornographic, very pornographic man.
>(>) The Neo-Iconoclast
>(>) Hey, how come we are commenting on stuff we never use? Just
wondering. .
>(>) Cybermancer

(>) You say you don't have one, but I'm sure you keep one under your bed
at night
(>) Wild Angel

- \ TSS Productions \ The Shadowrun Supplemental
ShadowRN Assistant Fearless Leader \ WildAngle@******** \ fro@***
From The Jury's Bench:
Message no. 9
From: Glenn Robb <GLENNROBB@*******.NET>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 19:20:55 -0600
Adam J wrote:

> At 15:35 9/8/97 -0600, you wrote:
> >> (>)Slot that. What's really wizzer about this is the "adult
> >> options!" Ever want to see the girl in the cubicle across from your
> >> your every whim? One discreet holo of her, and she's yours forever as a
> >> holoassistant!
> >>
> >> (>)Drooler
> >>
> >
> >(>) Pornographic, very pornographic man.
> >(>) The Neo-Iconoclast
> >
> >>
> >
> >(>) Hey, how come we are commenting on stuff we never use? Just
> wondering. .
> >(>) Cybermancer
> (>) You say you don't have one, but I'm sure you keep one under your bed
> at night
> (>) Wild Angel

(>) I knew someone who had this once, Wild Angel. He was a company man who had
used it often. Man, the person he'd conjured with that thing was nekked. He
attuned the thing to his most disgusting fantasies. When I asked him about it, he
said "'Ell, who needs playboy!" That's why I said it was Pornographic. Oh, and
happy September the Eighth.(>) The Neo-Iconoclast

> -
> \ TSS Productions \ The Shadowrun Supplemental
> ShadowRN Assistant Fearless Leader \ WildAngle@******** \ fro@***
> >From The Jury's Bench:
Message no. 10
From: Timothy Teravainen <p042668b@**.SEFLIN.ORG>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 21:33:32 -0400
> >> Fuchi Holopet/Holoassistant
> >>(>) OK, I know some of you are wondering why I'd bother to post this
> >suit -
> >>drek, but it does one valuable thing for us scroffy runner types - it
> >gives
> >>us information! Does Mr. Suit have a holoassistant imaged as a major
> >>simstarlet? Now you know one of his weaknesses. Does the kid you need to
> >>extract have a Baby Dragon holopet? Maybe a well placed illusion would
> >lure
> >>him away from a crowd to where he can more easily be extracted.
> >>
> >>(>) Buddy - "Data is Power"
> >>
> >>(>)Slot that. What's really wizzer about this is the "adult
> >entertainment
> >>options!" Ever want to see the girl in the cubicle across from your
> >obeying
> >>your every whim? One discreet holo of her, and she's yours forever as a
> >>holoassistant!
> >>
> >>(>)Drooler
> >
> >(>)You're pathetic Drooler. Remind me to get a holo of you for a
> >holoassistant when I feel like a bitch queen.
> >
> >(>)Rook
> >
> >(>) Children, play nice. Something that you all are overlooking is the
> >tactical advantage of these. A wiz decker should be able to reprogram a
> >holoassistant - or a holopet for that matter(what happens when Baby
> >Dragon grows up?) - to present an image of a generic person in combat
> >gear firing an assault rifle. They're cheap, and you can sprinkle them
> >liberally about a perimeter for when the drek hits the circulator.
> >
> >(>)Baron
> >Only problem with it is that if the user is smart it won't always be
> hooked to the net. It is a protable unit with it's own software. No decking
> it if you can't get to it. While it may give an insight inot your target
> you're not going to be able to get to it easily and make it turn against
> it's owner. That's the main reason Pocket Secretaries are so popular. You
> plug 'em in for a few minutes and get what you need. No worries about
> security.
> >Sasquatch

> I think you misunderstood that last statement. It wouldn't be
offensive "decking" so much as use of the Electronics skill to modify and
get an unexpected use of a mundane object. Instead of a 6' tall sultry
well-proportioned female, it would project a mercenary team with guns.
Certainly enough to freak someone out, at least for a few seconds. Of
course, at the suggested price of 40 nuyen, one would think this would be
so commonplace that it would be totally expected. (BTW, I think 40
nuyen, given costs for other TriDeo projection units in the SR timeline,
is a bit too cheap.)
But the hack modification is definitely a good idea; what's to
stop a decker/electronics wiz from doing that in other places as well?
Too often, decking in SR is only obtaining data through IC-combat, but
there are much more subtle ways of doing it. And, of course, if that
fails, you can always re-design someone's SmartToaster (R) to blow their
head off with a well-aimed piece of toast...


Timothy Teravainen
Message no. 11
From: Pierre-Alexandre Garneau <paganator@*********.COM>
Subject: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 22:14:16 -0400
I've made on my website an article about artificial animals (like in
blade runner) which can replace pets (but not the girl on the desk next
to you ;).

If anyone is interested check the article about android animals on my
page (

Message no. 12
From: Sasquatch <ab130f92@*******.ADELPHI.EDU>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 23:47:02 -0400
At 21:33 9/8/97 -0400, you wrote:
>> >> Fuchi Holopet/Holoassistant
>> >>(>) OK, I know some of you are wondering why I'd bother to post this
>> >suit -
>> >>drek, but it does one valuable thing for us scroffy runner types - it
>> >gives
>> >>us information! Does Mr. Suit have a holoassistant imaged as a major
>> >>simstarlet? Now you know one of his weaknesses. Does the kid you need to
>> >>extract have a Baby Dragon holopet? Maybe a well placed illusion would
>> >lure
>> >>him away from a crowd to where he can more easily be extracted.
>> >>
>> >>(>) Buddy - "Data is Power"
>> >>
>> >>(>)Slot that. What's really wizzer about this is the "adult
>> >entertainment
>> >>options!" Ever want to see the girl in the cubicle across from your
>> >obeying
>> >>your every whim? One discreet holo of her, and she's yours forever as a
>> >>holoassistant!
>> >>
>> >>(>)Drooler
>> >
>> >(>)You're pathetic Drooler. Remind me to get a holo of you for a
>> >holoassistant when I feel like a bitch queen.
>> >
>> >(>)Rook
>> >
>> >(>) Children, play nice. Something that you all are overlooking is the
>> >tactical advantage of these. A wiz decker should be able to reprogram a
>> >holoassistant - or a holopet for that matter(what happens when Baby
>> >Dragon grows up?) - to present an image of a generic person in combat
>> >gear firing an assault rifle. They're cheap, and you can sprinkle them
>> >liberally about a perimeter for when the drek hits the circulator.
>> >
>> >(>)Baron
>> >Only problem with it is that if the user is smart it won't always be
>> hooked to the net. It is a protable unit with it's own software. No decking
>> it if you can't get to it. While it may give an insight inot your target
>> you're not going to be able to get to it easily and make it turn against
>> it's owner. That's the main reason Pocket Secretaries are so popular. You
>> plug 'em in for a few minutes and get what you need. No worries about
>> security.
>> >Sasquatch
>> I think you misunderstood that last statement. It wouldn't be
>offensive "decking" so much as use of the Electronics skill to modify and
>get an unexpected use of a mundane object. Instead of a 6' tall sultry
>well-proportioned female, it would project a mercenary team with guns.
>Certainly enough to freak someone out, at least for a few seconds. Of
>course, at the suggested price of 40 nuyen, one would think this would be
>so commonplace that it would be totally expected. (BTW, I think 40
>nuyen, given costs for other TriDeo projection units in the SR timeline,
>is a bit too cheap.)
> But the hack modification is definitely a good idea; what's to
>stop a decker/electronics wiz from doing that in other places as well?
>Too often, decking in SR is only obtaining data through IC-combat, but
>there are much more subtle ways of doing it. And, of course, if that
>fails, you can always re-design someone's SmartToaster (R) to blow their
>head off with a well-aimed piece of toast...

>You're still talking a physical insertion to "modify" the holo, as opposed
to a lucky "finger". (If you got that one you're older then God.) Either
way it's still a pain in the hoop. BTW, be careful with the toast talk.
I've a chummer who thinks God Is a toaster. Thinks "Let there be Light" is
the almighty's prefference not the beinging of the universe. He gets a
little upset when people bad mouth toast or screw with toasters.



| |
| Vidi, vici, veni |
| (Figure that one out.) |
| |
| ab130f92@******* |
| tech@******* blair@***** |
| No Website (No time to make one) |
Message no. 13
From: Pete Wilson <piatro@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 23:48:38 -0600
<much Clipping>

>>> I think you misunderstood that last statement. It wouldn't be
>>offensive "decking" so much as use of the Electronics skill to modify
>>get an unexpected use of a mundane object. Instead of a 6' tall sultry
>>well-proportioned female, it would project a mercenary team with guns.
>>Certainly enough to freak someone out, at least for a few seconds. Of
>>course, at the suggested price of 40 nuyen, one would think this would be
>>so commonplace that it would be totally expected. (BTW, I think 40
>>nuyen, given costs for other TriDeo projection units in the SR timeline,
>>is a bit too cheap.)
>> But the hack modification is definitely a good idea; what's to
>>stop a decker/electronics wiz from doing that in other places as well?
>>Too often, decking in SR is only obtaining data through IC-combat, but
>>there are much more subtle ways of doing it. And, of course, if that
>>fails, you can always re-design someone's SmartToaster (R) to blow their
>>head off with a well-aimed piece of toast...
>>You're still talking a physical insertion to "modify" the holo, as
>to a lucky "finger". (If you got that one you're older then God.) Either
>way it's still a pain in the hoop. BTW, be careful with the toast talk.
>I've a chummer who thinks God Is a toaster. Thinks "Let there be Light" is
>the almighty's prefference not the beinging of the universe. He gets a
>little upset when people bad mouth toast or screw with toasters.

(>) No Sasquatch, what we are talking about is modifying your _own_
holo-assistant. Here's the scheme. . . You replace the Hologram of the
normal secretary with a recording of a Big Troll with a HMG. on your way
into a job you plant the projector so that when activated it looks to the
Security slags like there is a Big Troll hiding behind that planter trying
to clear a jammed round out of his HMG. While they are concentrating on
the Holo-threat you can escape or take the slags out from their flank.

One word of warning. Any para-criters that use astral sight (or percieving
mage types for that matter) are going to see right through this type of
(>)Chaos Engineer
--aprentice punster--
Message no. 14
From: "Steven A. Tinner" <bluewizard@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 01:25:36 -0400
>Hmm. Ever see the series Time Trax? The holographic personal secretary
>sounds like the character Selma. I like it...

Actually my inspiration was Lyla, the holo housekeeper in Peter David's
"Spiderman 2099"
But yes, the ideas are quite similar.

Steven A. Tinner
"While we live, let's live in clover"
Message no. 15
From: "Steven A. Tinner" <bluewizard@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 01:30:55 -0400
>[sniped all the good stuff from Tinner about holos]

I don't have my Shadowbeat on hand right now, so I'm not sure what the goign
rates for holoprojectors are.
How far off am I?
I'm assuming that the units used by the Holopet/Holoassistant are VERY
inexpensive models.
Kind of the difference between a $250 CD players, and a $10 Walkman

Any input about the price of these units?
Remeber the one is definately made for kids, and as such, will be CHEAP!

Steven A. Tinner
"While we live, let's live in clover"
Message no. 16
From: George H Metz <wolfstar@****.COM>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 01:56:19 EDT
On Mon, 8 Sep 1997 18:24:36 -0400 Sasquatch
<ab130f92@*******.ADELPHI.EDU> writes:
>>(>) Children, play nice. Something that you all are overlooking is the
>>tactical advantage of these. A wiz decker should be able to reprogram a
>>holoassistant - or a holopet for that matter(what happens when Baby
>>Dragon grows up?) - to present an image of a generic person in combat
>>gear firing an assault rifle. They're cheap, and you can sprinkle them
>>liberally about a perimeter for when the drek hits the circulator.
>(>)Only problem with it is that if the user is smart it won't always be
>hooked to the net. It is a protable unit with it's own software. No
>it if you can't get to it. While it may give an insight into your target
>you're not going to be able to get to it easily and make it turn against
>it's owner. That's the main reason Pocket Secretaries are so popular.
>plug 'em in for a few minutes and get what you need. No worries about

(>)Not precisely what I meant, Sasquach. I meant bring your own, and
plant them about the perimeter of the target. The cost effectiveness is
amazing, depending on the usage. This can enable a small unit to capture
a larger force through the use of "superior firepower". If the units are
recoverable, then you can continue to use them, up until the point where
your opponent catches on. Even then, Most non-proffesional troops(and
even some proffesionals) aren't willing to risk the possibility that they
aren't real.
Message no. 17
From: George H Metz <wolfstar@****.COM>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 02:21:06 EDT
On Tue, 9 Sep 1997 01:30:55 -0400 "Steven A. Tinner"
<bluewizard@*****.COM> writes:
>>[sniped all the good stuff from Tinner about holos]
>I don't have my Shadowbeat on hand right now, so I'm not sure what the
>rates for holoprojectors are.
>How far off am I?
>I'm assuming that the units used by the Holopet/Holoassistant are VERY
>inexpensive models.
>Kind of the difference between a $250 CD players, and a $10 Walkman
>Any input about the price of these units?
>Remeber the one is definately made for kids, and as such, will be

Well, one should always bear in mind that if the HoloAssistant is in any
way, shape, or form like the Pocket Secretary(Which it sounds like it is)
that the Pocket Secretary is in the neighborhood of 3000 Nuyen. An
alternative is to sell them as add-on systems, which would make a bit
more sense for the price. According to Paolo's SRCG datafiles, a tabletop
holotank runs about 500, a desktop about 1000, and a full holotank runs
5000. For a holo-emitter that's easily portable, figure about 5000 -
that's micronized from a desktop model, and takes into account the time
difference(SOTA, don'cha know).

Wolfstar, Fearless Leader of Myself(Too bad my follower isn't fearless!) (Note that's a ZERO, not an "o")
"WHICH CHEEK?!?!?!?"
-- Me, after taking a chunk of door in my butt from an explosion...
Message no. 18
From: Timothy Teravainen <p042668b@**.SEFLIN.ORG>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 06:39:17 -0400
> >[sniped all the good stuff from Tinner about holos]
> I don't have my Shadowbeat on hand right now, so I'm not sure what the goign
> rates for holoprojectors are.
> How far off am I?
> I'm assuming that the units used by the Holopet/Holoassistant are VERY
> inexpensive models.
> Kind of the difference between a $250 CD players, and a $10 Walkman
> knockoff.
> Any input about the price of these units?
> Remeber the one is definately made for kids, and as such, will be CHEAP!

> Which brings us, I assume, to the question of exactly how commonplace
a common-language interpretive Expert System goes for. I suppose that in
60 years (God, that's a LONG time...), AI prices would have plummeted a
lot. But, then again, I would also assume that gunpowder weapons would
be very rare, or forgotten...

> !logic

Timothy Teravainen
Message no. 19
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 12:51:30 +0100
George H Metz said on 2:21/ 9 Sep 97...

Tinner said:
> >I don't have my Shadowbeat on hand right now, so I'm not sure what the going
> >rates for holoprojectors are.
> >How far off am I?
> >I'm assuming that the units used by the Holopet/Holoassistant are VERY
> >inexpensive models. Kind of the difference between a $250 CD players,
> >and a $10 Walkman knockoff.
> >
> >Any input about the price of these units?
> >Remeber the one is definately made for kids, and as such, will be

For one thing I don't really agree with the customization cost. Even if
it's really cheap to add into such a device, a megacorp would make it cost
a lot more money -- after all a holo-thingy with _your_ choice of face is
a really exclusive item, and so should cost quite a lot (in the mind of
the public). Not that it should be 10,000 nuyen or whatever, but it
should be more than 20Y extra, IMHO.

Shadowbeat doesn't have much holo stuff, all I could find on a quick
browse-through is a wide-field holophone, for 1,500Y on page 99.

> According to Paolo's SRCG datafiles, a tabletop holotank runs about 500,
> a desktop about 1000, and a full holotank runs 5000. For a holo-emitter
> that's easily portable, figure about 5000 - that's micronized from a
> desktop model, and takes into account the time difference(SOTA, don'cha
> know).

Unless I'm severely mistaken, those are Cyberpunk 2020 items from
Chromebook 2 (I sort of know the guy who put them into the datafile :)
The prices are straight 1:1 conversions from CP2020, because I couldn't
find any SR equivalents.

Gurth@******.nl -
Well, I have no opinion about that, and I have no opinion about me...
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 20
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 12:51:29 +0100
Pierre-Alexandre Garneau said on 22:14/ 8 Sep 97...

> I've made on my website an article about artificial animals (like in
> blade runner) which can replace pets (but not the girl on the desk next
> to you ;).
> If anyone is interested check the article about android animals on my
> page (

Though I haven't looked at this (yet), how about submitting it as an
article for NERPS: Stuff (better title still wanted!)?

Gurth@******.nl -
Well, I have no opinion about that, and I have no opinion about me...
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 21
From: Sasquatch <ab130f92@*******.ADELPHI.EDU>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 14:38:17 -0400
At 23:48 9/8/97 -0600, you wrote:
><much Clipping>
[Still more]
>(>) No Sasquatch, what we are talking about is modifying your _own_
>holo-assistant. Here's the scheme. . . You replace the Hologram of the
>normal secretary with a recording of a Big Troll with a HMG. on your way
>into a job you plant the projector so that when activated it looks to the
>Security slags like there is a Big Troll hiding behind that planter trying
>to clear a jammed round out of his HMG. While they are concentrating on
>the Holo-threat you can escape or take the slags out from their flank.
>One word of warning. Any para-criters that use astral sight (or percieving
>mage types for that matter) are going to see right through this type of
>(>)Chaos Engineer
> --aprentice punster--

>Thing is it still looks like a hologram. And it's not solid either. If
it's not placed right you'll have the Troll standing IN the planter. At
bets you'll have the amount of time it takes to put one burst in it. There
are better distractions. You forgot the therm,ographics will also see right
through it. Literally. Still think playing with someone else's is better
then playing with your own.



| |
| Vidi, vici, veni |
| (Figure that one out.) |
| |
| ab130f92@******* |
| tech@******* blair@***** |
| No Website (No time to make one) |
Message no. 22
From: Pierre-Alexandre Garneau <paganator@*********.COM>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 16:31:06 -0400
Gurth wrote:

> Pierre-Alexandre Garneau said on 22:14/ 8 Sep 97...
> > I've made on my website an article about artificial animals (like in
> > blade runner) which can replace pets (but not the girl on the desk
> next
> > to you ;).
> >
> > If anyone is interested check the article about android animals on
> my
> > page (
> Though I haven't looked at this (yet), how about submitting it as an
> article for NERPS: Stuff (better title still wanted!)?

Actually almost everything on my site could be used for that book :).

If you want to translate my html writing into "normal" text, go ahead!

Message no. 23
From: Rob Siemborski <robsiemb@******.ORG>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 21:51:04 -0400
On Mon, 8 Sep 1997, Steven A. Tinner wrote:

> ----------
> Holopet - 25 nuyen (includes holoprojector and software)
> Holoassistant - 45 nuyen (includes holoprojector and software - add 20 nuyen
> for adult package, 20 nuyen additional for custom hologram)
> ----------

You know, these are a GREAT deal compared to a normal pocket secretary
(2000+ ny?)

- Rob -

Rob Siemborski * (Has PGP Public Key)
Wow! Web Wonders <>
Version: 3.1
GCS/IT/CM d- s+:- a--- C++++>$ UI++>++++ UA++ UL>+ UB+$>++++ UV$>++++
P+$>+++$ L+ E---- W+++ N+ o K- w+(++++)>+++++$ O-(+) M--(+)>! Y PGP++
t+ 5+++>++++ !X R++>+++ tv(+) b++(+++) DI+ D++(+++) G e- h+>++ r y?
Message no. 24
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 13:40:03 +0100
Pierre-Alexandre Garneau said on 16:31/ 9 Sep 97...

> Actually almost everything on my site could be used for that book :).
> If you want to translate my html writing into "normal" text, go ahead!

I'll take a look and see about removing the HTML codes.

Gurth@******.nl -
Well, I have no opinion about that, and I have no opinion about me...
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 25
From: "Paolo Falco, Explorer" <Falco@****.IT>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 23:00:47 +0100
10 Sep 97, 13:40, on the downward time curve to Armageddon, Gurth

> > If you want to translate my html writing into "normal" text, go ahead!
> I'll take a look and see about removing the HTML codes.

There's a prog called Super Note Tab that is great at doing this, and
it is free. It loads HTML and removes tags. Check it out.

Paolo Falco | "An unnamed file was not found"
(explorer) | (Actual error message given by Daggerfall(TM) setup)
RollerBrawl: a Game for Gory but Gentleman-like Skaters:
Message no. 26
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 11:37:55 +0100
Paolo Falco, Explorer said on 23:00/10 Sep 97...

> There's a prog called Super Note Tab that is great at doing this, and
> it is free. It loads HTML and removes tags. Check it out.

Thanks, but I wrote myself a program once that does the same :)

Gurth@******.nl -
Well, I have no opinion about that, and I have no opinion about me...
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 27
From: "Darrell L. Bowman" <bowmandl@*****.DHR.STATE.NC.US>
Subject: Re: NERPS (stuff)
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 22:44:32 +0000
On 9 Sep 97 at 1:56, George H Metz wrote:

> (>)Not precisely what I meant, Sasquach. I meant bring your own, and
> plant them about the perimeter of the target. The cost effectiveness is
> amazing, depending on the usage. This can enable a small unit to capture
> a larger force through the use of "superior firepower". If the units are
> recoverable, then you can continue to use them, up until the point where
> your opponent catches on. Even then, Most non-proffesional troops(and
> even some proffesionals) aren't willing to risk the possibility that they
> aren't real.
> (>)Baron

(>)Hey, how big are these things? How 'bout I mount one o' these fraggers
on a couple of my skimmers? Instant backup for the street samurai when
appearances are everything!
(>)Raven, Rigger of the night.

Never, never, never quit.
-- Sir Winston Churchill

Knights of Shadows Game Master
Darrell L. Bowman
Message no. 28
From: Predator Omega <ba1764@*******.BAYNET.DE>
Subject: NERPS: Stuff
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 19:12:24 +0100
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

This is my first contribution to NERPS. I hope I did everything right.

MASC (myomere acceleration system circuit)

The MASC-system increases the Strength, Quickness and Reaction for 1
point per level of cyberlimbs due a short overstress on the servo and
hydraulic mechanisms of the limb. The user must have at least one pair
of cyberlimbs to make effective use of the cyberlimb. The MASC-system
and the adrenal pump are NOT compatible. The system includes a
high-effiency battery which causes the over-stress. The system can be
used for a maximum of 6 rounds per level. it can be aktivated due a
cybernetic command, which is a Free Action. There is a increaing 5%
chance per round of use that the whole system shuts down an causes
secondyry damage. If the system fails all boni become mali. Each point
subtracted counts as a Light wound for purposes of repair and must be
repaired by a skilled cybertechnican. It takes 20-30 minutes till the
batteries has reach her initial powerstatus again (18+2d6).

Typ Cost Index Availability
Level 1 MASC 100.000 3 12/20 days
Level 2 MASC 200.000 3 16/30 days

see also Predator's cyberware for the picture. Please follow the link

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<FONT COLOR="#000000">This is my first contribution to NERPS. I hope I
did everything right.</FONT>

<P>MASC (myomere acceleration system circuit)

<P><FONT COLOR="#000000">The MASC-system increases the Strength,
and Reaction for 1 point per level of cyberlimbs due a short overstress
on the servo and hydraulic mechanisms of the limb. The user must have at
least one pair of cyberlimbs to make effective use of the cyberlimb. The
MASC-system and the adrenal pump are NOT compatible. The system includes
a high-effiency battery which causes the over-stress. The system can be
used for a maximum of 6 rounds per level. it can be aktivated due a cybernetic
command, which is a Free Action. There is a increaing 5% chance per round
of use that the whole system shuts down an causes secondyry damage. If
the system fails all boni become mali. Each point subtracted counts as
a Light wound for purposes of repair and must be repaired by a skilled
cybertechnican. It takes 20-30 minutes till the batteries has reach her
initial powerstatus again (18+2d6).</FONT>

Cost&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Index&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Level 1 MASC&nbsp;&nbsp;
3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 12/20
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Level 2 MASC&nbsp;&nbsp;
3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 16/30
<BR>see also&nbsp; <A
cyberware</A> for the picture. Please follow the link to</HTML>

Message no. 29
From: Predator Omega <ba1764@*******.BAYNET.DE>
Subject: NERPS: Stuff
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 1997 18:14:09 +0100
Second try. Without HTML.

MASC (myomere acceleration system circuit)

The MASC-system increases the Strength, Quickness and Reaction for 1
point per level of cyberlimbs due a short
overstress on the servo and hydraulic mechanisms of the limb. The user
must have at least one pair of cyberlimbs to
make effective use of the cyberlimb. The MASC-system and the adrenal
pump are NOT compatible. The system
includes a high-effiency battery which causes the over-stress. The
system can be used for a maximum of 6 rounds per
level. it can be aktivated due a cybernetic command, which is a Free
Action. There is a increaing 5% chance per round
of use that the whole system shuts down an causes secondyry damage. If
the system fails all boni become mali. Each
point subtracted counts as a Light wound for purposes of repair and must
be repaired by a skilled cybertechnican. It
takes 20-30 minutes till the batteries has reach her initial powerstatus
again (18+2d6).

Typ Cost Index Availability
Level 1 MASC 100.000 3 12/20 days
Level 2 MASC 200.000 3 16/30 days

see also Predator's cyberware for the picture. Please follow the link
to my homepage.
Message no. 30
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Re: NERPS: Stuff
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 1997 11:00:23 -0700
Predator Omega wrote:
)Second try. Without HTML.
)MASC (myomere acceleration system circuit)
)The MASC-system increases the Strength, Quickness and Reaction for 1
)point per level of cyberlimbs due a short
)overstress on the servo and hydraulic mechanisms of the limb. The user
)must have at least one pair of cyberlimbs to
)make effective use of the cyberlimb. The MASC-system and the adrenal
)pump are NOT compatible. The system
)includes a high-effiency battery which causes the over-stress. The
)system can be used for a maximum of 6 rounds per
)level. it can be aktivated due a cybernetic command, which is a Free
)Action. There is a increaing 5% chance per round
)of use that the whole system shuts down an causes secondyry damage. If
)the system fails all boni become mali. Each
)point subtracted counts as a Light wound for purposes of repair and must
)be repaired by a skilled cybertechnican. It
)takes 20-30 minutes till the batteries has reach her initial powerstatus
)again (18+2d6).
) Typ Cost Index Availability
)Level 1 MASC 100.000 3 12/20 days
)Level 2 MASC 200.000 3 16/30 days

(>) If it ever catches on fire, hold your nose. The fumes smell
worse than burning hair. And if you get a really good whif you'll be
puking up your guts.
(>) Graht
The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth
part of the face.
Message no. 31
From: Matb <mbreton@**.NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: NERPS: Stuff
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 12:01:17 -0800
Predator Omega wrote:

> MASC (myomere acceleration system circuit)


> The system
> includes a high-effiency battery which causes the over-stress. The
> system can be used for a maximum of 6 rounds per
> level. it can be aktivated due a cybernetic command, which is a Free
> Action. There is a increaing 5% chance per round
> of use that the whole system shuts down an causes secondyry damage. If
> the system fails all boni become mali. Each
> point subtracted counts as a Light wound for purposes of repair and must
> be repaired by a skilled cybertechnican. It
> takes 20-30 minutes till the batteries has reach her initial powerstatus
> again (18+2d6).

[Wouldn't it be kind of nifty to use Stress points from Rigger 2

> Typ Cost Index Availability
> Level 1 MASC 100.000 3 12/20 days
> Level 2 MASC 200.000 3 16/30 days

(>) ...And there you thought Move-by-Wire was a freakishly
high-maintenance system...
(>) Drogue

(>) Yer gonna eat yer words, Drog. Dr. Kerensky sez there's a
second-gen battery system just around th' corner that c'n go twice as
long without any problems.
(>) Jade Falc'n

(>) For what it's worth, I hear the Kerensky name is actually just a
moniker taken on by the development group. For a while, it was pretty
radical technology, and the corp behind it all didn't want any possible,
ahem, defections from the core team. So all external press material
(and a lot of internal mail as well) was released with the byline
(>) Inner Fear

(>) Wasn't there some jube who wanted to hook up his cyberlegs to the
Gridlink system?
(>) . ! .

Message no. 32
From: Predator Omega <ba1764@*******.BAYNET.DE>
Subject: NERPS: Stuff
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 18:17:43 +0100
Dies ist eine mehrteilige Nachricht im MIME-Format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Cyberware shilding and armour
Additional to normal hard or soft armour, cyberlimbs can be shielded
against serveral harmfull incluences or forms of damage. 3 additional
shieldings can be installed per point of Body enhancement . Soft or hard
armour do NOT count to this.

Soft Armour
See Cybertech Sourcebook, suggested maximum level is 8.

Hard Armour
See cybertech sourcebook, suggested maximum level is 8.

Electromagnetic shielding
The EM-shielding protect the user against all kinds of shocks. Examples
are tasers, emp-grenades, critter powers like lightning or shock-gloves
and so on. The shilding plus one-half of the normal impact armour
protect the coverd limb. Maximum level for the EM-shielding is 3.

Thermal isolation
Thermal isolation protectes the coverd limb agaimnst extrem
temperatures, both extrem high and low temperatures. Additional to that
the thermal isolation lowers the users IR signature. Increase all TN for
IR-based awarness-test for the doubble level of the thermal isolation.
if the character is spoted, still increase all TN in ranged combat for
the simple level if thew attacker is unsing thermal vision. The full
level of the thermal isolation plus one-half of the impact armour
protect against temperatur caused damage.

Scanner shielding
The simple level of this shielding increases all TN for detecting
cyberware in the covered limb.

SEMInatural covering
Semibatural covering makes the cyberlimb look quite normal, but only if
the limb itself looks natural. The covering includes hairs, skin and
can't be distinquished form a normal limb by looking at it. Even on IR
it can't be recognises, because the skin includes special heating

typ level conceal cost index availability
EM shielding 1-3 NA 2500 ¥/level 3 11/2 weeks
Hard armour 1-8 12 -level 25.000 ¥/level 2 14/3 weeks
Scanner shield 1-3 NA 8000 ¥/level 4 16/3 weeks
Seminatural cov. - +3 + 10% as limb as limb
Thermal iso. 1-3 NA 3500 ¥/level 2 6/1 weeks
Soft armour 1-8 12-1/2 level 10.000 ¥/level 2 12/2 weeks

For pictures see my homepage

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Visitenkarte für Predator Omega
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Predator Omega
n: Omega;Predator
email;internet: ba1764@*******
title: Fearless NERPS member
note: Predators Datastore

x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
end: vcard

Message no. 33
From: Adam J <fro@***.AB.CA>
Subject: NERPS: Stuff
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 11:22:23 -0700
Gurth, can you post the list of stuff that has been submitted for 'Stuff',

Like most NERPS projects, this one started with a good head of steam, and
then has seemed to stagnate into near nothing :(

- \ TSS Productions \ The Shadowrun Supplemental
ShadowRN Assistant Fearless Leader \ AdamJ@******** \ fro@***
The Shadowrun Archive Co-Maintainer:

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about NERPS (stuff), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.