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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Avenger <Avenger@*******.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Newcomers Guide addition was - re: your mail
Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 02:04:03 +0100
In article <Pine.SGI.3.95.970520151439.17200A-100000@********.ugcs.calte>, Jeffrey Mach <mach@****.CALTECH.EDU> rambled on endlessly about
your mail

>There is probably something about this in the new player's guide to
>ShadowTk, and if not, there should be. Anybody know when the last time
>that document was updated and whether or not it is accessible from
>the webpage? August is just around the corner, so we should expect a
>bunch of new people relatively soon.

This has gone up to my web site tonight. It's posted here for your
approval, and any additions/ammendments you guys want added. Remember,
this is covered in other sections of the Newcomers Guide, but there may
be something that I've forgotten. Essentially, this is a rehash of
information included elsewhere in the document, with a few additions.

I've added Jeff's comments to the end of the document on the web site,
but haven't included it here, as we've all already seen it. :)

------------ ( begin web page ) --------------

Character Usage & Plot Involvement

Even though it is made clear in the FAQ, the Ten Commandments of
Shadowtk, and mentioned in a couple of sections of the Newcomers Guide,
it seems that people have this incorrigable urge to use other peoples
characters without consultation and to post details concerning another's
plot without clearing them first.

The post at the end of this document was made by Jeffrey Mach
Mach@****.CALTECH.EDU after just such an incident and contains his views
on the subject.

The mistake made, is not unique, and though rare, still occurs at
regular intervals. It cannot be stressed enough, that there are _no_
instances when another persons character can be used, or a section of
plot used _without the express and previous permission_ of the
controller of that character or plot.

If your character is involved in someone else's plot, don't post
something because you think it might be cool, don't make something up, -
- even though imagination is encouraged, -- there is a good chance that
it won't fit in with the concept that person has regarding their plot,
or your involvement in it.

It is recommended that any posting made as a result of your involvement,
should go to the controlling person first for approval, they will let
you know of any changes required and whether it clears with their plot

There are occasional instances where free reign is given to write what
you want. I've done it myself, during the "Thunda" (available in Stk
plot logs - Dec - Jan 96/97) plot, where the involved players had free
reign to write what they wanted concerning their characters, with just a
rough outline from myself, but "Thunda" was a very wide sweeping plot
and involved most of the list members to a varying degree. Their
characters were free to act within the constraints already given by the
players and the short guidelines available from myself. If someone had
just leapt in, and started posting things without consulting me first,
there would have been hell to pay, and this applies to anyone elses plot
on the list.

Most of the time, the Plots on Shadowtk, are the fruit of some
considerable thought and planning, they have a set series of events,
that are pre-planned, they are set to a particular timescale, and the
events planned are due to occur in a particular order. Randomly posting
something without consent can cause more than a few problems, even to
the point of completely ruining the plot in hand.

It is vitally essential, not just from mere politeness and netiquette to
ask a person before you involve their characters, or post into their
plot, but also because you might do more damage than good. And that is
not a clever way to endear yourself to the listmembers.

The only time that a character can comment randomly is during "open"
posting. When a comment is posted to the list without any form of
header: as follows

>>>>>[Jeez, did you chummers catch the News tonight? What the hell
happened over there on the border?]<<<<<
-- Marathon <12:22:11/21-05-58>

There is no encryption header, ie:


This comment invites answers, and those answers can be anything you
want, normally this sort of ambiguous comment will be accompanied by an


to explain the comment, and open the matter for discussion. There are
other types of "open" post, that also invite comment, and it is up to
the individual whether they respond or not. This is the only time that
characters can interact without permission, but not using characters
that belong to other users. If you are not sure who owns a particular
character, or have a name you wish to use, please check it against the
Shadowtk Character List, available at Mark Imbriaco's web site

He's utilised a useful form, that allows searching by first letter,
which speeds up the searches for character names, normally with that
name, will be an e-mail address, allowing you to contact the controller
of the character and talk to them about that characters' involvement, or
you can change the name you wanted to use, to something that isn't

There are of course a large amount of registered characters, but it is
very rare to find two names that clash, it does happen, but it's very
rare. It is distinctly possible that posting without permission or
consultation, involving a section of someone else plot will result in a
potentially hostile situation, depending on the amount of damage done.
Using someone elses character without permission will almost certainly
result in a hostile reaction.

Alternatively, if it is still not clear, ask on the PlotD list. The list
was designed for the simple expedient of offering a public discussion
forum to cover such eventualities, before they make it to Shadowtk, and
cause trouble.

Basically, if you aren't sure,

1) - DON'T DO IT
2) - ASK FIRST (either privately through E-Mail, or on the PlotD
discussion list)
3) - CHECK YOUR POST - check everything you want to do with the
controller of the plot. That person will be mightily pissed off if you
do something to screw up their plot.
4) - PAY ATTENTION - Though this sounds condescending, it may help to
prevent your mailbox from bursting into flames.

-- Dark Avenger

Include Jeffrey Mach's post to PlotD -----

------------ ( end document ) -------------

I hope that meets with someone's approval.

Dark Avenger - A Dark Shadow in a Dark World
| Web page at: containing |
| the Alternative UK Sourcebook & Newcomers Guide to Stk.|
| (Microsoft Site Builder/Web Developer - Level 2.) |
| I'm not a Geek - I'm a Bill Gates extra-terrestrial |
Reality is an illusion caused by a lack of e-mail


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.