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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: "Michael R. Goldberg" <mrgoldbe@**.NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Couple of things...
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 20:44:30 -0600
1) Unless Haze gives the Wanderer the chance, it seems unlikely that he
will die from the Wanderer. Stranger things have happened, but with
the Wanderer, you can talk all you want. However, he won't react until
he is either threatened or an opportunity presents itself.

He's not sane, but he isn't naive about life in the shadows either.
While I'm commenting on Haze, kudo's go to Frank from the parting shot
about the Wanderer. It significantly brightened my day. [Which gives
a pretty good indication of how poorly today has gone. ;( ]
2) Mark N.:

Are you planning on unleashing that frame around Shadowland? If it is
in their domain, I suggest you have the frame fail due the the local
admin nuking its arse.

There is a reason that people don't mess with Shadowland, and that is
one of them. They don't take rogue frames hanging around lightly. At
least in my humble opinion.

I believe a while back there was a discussion about what S-land would
accept and reject from its decker clientel. Leaving frames lurking
about to jump local users (either to trace or to do something worse)
was not one of the tolerated activities.
3) IMHO, LSS in Seattle Sprawl (and yes, I mean the whole sprawl)
should have a huge crack down on incidental crimes. This should in a
lot of ways mirror what has been happening in New York the past couple
of years.

Someone does something trivially illegal.... you bust them immediately,
and check to see if they have additional violations like carrying
concealed weapons. If so, you bust them for that, and if appropiate
confiscate the weapons. Once people see that, they will stop carrying
weapons around because they might get pulled over for something simple
as running a red light.

This gets the weapons off the street, which makes the streets safer.
Yes, in the beginning, people will grumble, but when they see the side
effects of significantly less violent crimes, they will shut up.

This will also make life in the Seattle Shadows harder, but I have a
very hard time believing that LSS would completely sit back and let
UCAS handle the terrorist activities all by their lonesome.



These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.