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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Rob Harris <rjharris@********.UIUC.EDU>
Subject: Re: SRTCG - Wanted!
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 19:15:29 -0600
Ok, there is a few things that I would like to say about this. One,
remember that you attack the character during HIS PLAYERS legwork phase (is
on the offical FAQ). That means that if you play it on a tapped character,
then he will have a chance to untap and heal before you can attack him with
Wanted! Secondly, people with Guard can protect any runners present. As
stated below, all untapped characters are present in the safehouse. So if
you played wanted! on this charcter, and he untapped, then you COULD Gaurd
agaist the damage. I have a questions in with FASA to verify all this, but
it goes with the spirit of their other rulings. If, however, they other
player TURNS his character during the legwork phase, and then you attacked
him, he could not Gaurd him because turned characters are not present. Just
my $.02. I will email the results of my questions to FASA to the list.
Thanks all....


> > 3> If someone has a tapped runner at his safehouse
> > and you play wanted on him. He takes enough damage to
> > kill him. Can your opponent use a guard ability of another
> > runner in his safehouse? If so will you get the rep
> > points if the guarding runner dies?
> You can only Guard fellow Runners who are "present". Present counds as
> being either a) on a shadowrun, b) in the safehouse, or c) in
> Runner-on-Runner combat. Unfortunately, no one else is invited into the
> Wanted combat, so you can't guard against it. (In fact, even if your
> Bodyguard has Wanted on him, and even if he's attacked in the same turn,
> he can't Guard the other Runner.)
> You could still use DocWagon/Stimpatch, however, and (if he survives),
> Biotech, Heal, and so forth.
> Picture this, though: You're a 5/6 Bodyguard (Scorpio, I think.)
> You're facing off against Ghost (5/5). Combat will knock you down to
> being a 5/1 (Scorpio has Stamina!) and kill of Ghost.
> However! Bodyguard! You could Guard Ghost against the damage you're
> inflicting, and kill yourself off, thus gaining the Reputation (?).
> Well, officially you can, since there's nothing in the book against it.
> It sounds like the sort of weaselly move that tournament games are won
> by :)
> -Mb
Message no. 2
From: Matb <mbreton@**.NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: SRTCG - Wanted!
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 09:23:39 -0800
Rob Harris wrote:
> Ok, there is a few things that I would like to say about this. One,
> remember that you attack the character during HIS PLAYERS legwork phase (is
> on the offical FAQ). That means that if you play it on a tapped character,
> then he will have a chance to untap and heal before you can attack him with
> Wanted!

I don't really see how that's relevant to the question.. nothing was
said about the Runner being wounded beforehand or not. It should be
noted that, if you only wound the Runner in Wanted! combat, a) the
Wanted! falls off, and b) that Runner can't heal, since healing is done
during Refresh phase. Again, if the Runner survives, you can
Biotech/Heal/Stimpatch the damage.

It's not explicitly stated whether or not the Wanted! Runner is turned
or not; I assume being damaged is bad enough. (On a Big Tough Guy,
though, you could possibly go running after scragging an attacker.
Rough Nights work wonders!)

> Secondly, people with Guard can protect any runners present. As
> stated below, all untapped characters are present in the safehouse. So if
> you played wanted! on this charcter, and he untapped, then you COULD Gaurd
> agaist the damage.

Nope. Once the combat begins, the Wanted! Runner is in combat, and not
present in the safehouse. Same reason a Bodyguard in the safehouse
can't deflect damage from a 'client' on a shadowrun.

> I have a questions in with FASA to verify all this, but
> it goes with the spirit of their other rulings. If, however, they other
> player TURNS his character during the legwork phase, and then you attacked
> him, he could not Gaurd him because turned characters are not present.

Wrong again. See below for definition of 'present'.

> Just my $.02. I will email the results of my questions to FASA to the list.
> Thanks all....
> Rob
> ----------
> > > 3> If someone has a tapped runner at his safehouse
> > > and you play wanted on him. He takes enough damage to
> > > kill him. Can your opponent use a guard ability of another
> > > runner in his safehouse? If so will you get the rep
> > > points if the guarding runner dies?
> >
> > You can only Guard fellow Runners who are "present". Present counds
> > being either a) on a shadowrun, b) in the safehouse, or c) in
> > Runner-on-Runner combat. Unfortunately, no one else is invited into the
> > Wanted combat, so you can't guard against it. (In fact, even if your
> > Bodyguard has Wanted on him, and even if he's attacked in the same turn,
> > he can't Guard the other Runner.)
> >
> > You could still use DocWagon/Stimpatch, however, and (if he survives),
> > Biotech, Heal, and so forth.
> >
> > Picture this, though: You're a 5/6 Bodyguard (Scorpio, I think.)
> > You're facing off against Ghost (5/5). Combat will knock you down to
> > being a 5/1 (Scorpio has Stamina!) and kill of Ghost.
> >
> > However! Bodyguard! You could Guard Ghost against the damage you're
> > inflicting, and kill yourself off, thus gaining the Reputation (?).
> > Well, officially you can, since there's nothing in the book against it.
> > It sounds like the sort of weaselly move that tournament games are won
> > by :)
> >
> >
> >
> > -Mb
Message no. 3
From: Rob Harris <rjharris@********.UIUC.EDU>
Subject: Re: SRTCG - Wanted!
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 22:18:16 -0600
You are ABSOLUTLEY fraggin right. My mistake. Somehow I didn't notice the
third condition of present. Thanks for pointing this out Matt.


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about SRTCG - Wanted!, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.