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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Wind Dancer <winddancer@***********.NET>
Subject: Re: Deck Types
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 05:01:33 -0400
At 01:13 AM 8/27/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I made a "Piggy" deck of all Orcs and Trolls, but it kinda sucks.
>Nowhere near enough skills on the trogs in the basic set.
>Even with monsters like Reaper and Scorpio, anything technical, social, or
>magical, and my piggys get nuked.
>However, they do quite well in combat type challeneges!
>Steven A. Tinner

Well, Tinner, I made sure to get another Humanis Polyclub card for those
special purposes. Can't wait to use it on ya again.

Thats the only disadvantage that I can see is that one card adding 1 nuyen
to the price of deployment. Now a Human deck on the other hand....



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