From: | Justin Marcinkus <marci001@***.EDU> |
Subject: | Re: Justin and HTML (was Re: [SRTCG] Uncle Joe...) |
Date: | Fri, 29 Aug 1997 03:17:07 -0500 |
is better.
> From: Loki <daddyjim@**********.COM>
> To: SRCARD@********.ITRIBE.NET
> Subject: Justin and HTML (was Re: [SRTCG] Uncle Joe...)
> Date: Thursday, August 28, 1997 8:06 PM
> ---Justin Marcinkus wrote:
> >
> > The Chipjack 2 essence loss is only 2. It would make "sense" to me
> that
> > Uncle Joe suffers from essence loss, since he has cyberware.
> However, I
> > tend to agree with Bull and follow that if it doesn't say it on the
> card,
> > it ain't happenin'. That is, unless FASA comes out with an errata.
> >
> <HR>
> <html><head></head><BODY
bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><p><font size=2
> color="#000000" face="Arial"><br><br>> >Does
the built-in Chipjack-2
> which Uncle Joe has automatically lower his<br>> >Essence to a 4 or is
> it completely free of charge(nuyen and essence)?<br>> ><br>>
Unless it
> says on the card that he has a lower essence, than no.<br>>
> Othwerwise, how would someone who doesn;t have a Chipjack 2 know what
> the<br>> essence loss was?<br><br>The Chipjack 2 essence loss is
> 2. It would make "sense" to me that Uncle Joe suffers from essence
> loss, since he has cyberware. However, I tend to agree with Bull and
> follow that if it doesn't say it on the card, it ain't happenin'. That
> is, unless FASA comes out with an errata.</p>
> </font></body></html>
> Justin, I'm getting your messages with an HTML attachment that
> duplicates the message. (See above.)
> I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but I wanted to make
> you aware of it. Can you check your mailing program for any strange
> settings?
> ===
> @>--,--'--- Loki
> Fearless Leader of the Shadowrun Trading Card Game Mailing List
> Web Page: Poisoned Elves at
> "You're calling me Bitch like it's a bad thing."
> --> CrapGame during the Drive in the Country tournament
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