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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Matb <mbreton@**.NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Fw: General Questions about your Shadowrun CCG
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 06:50:35 -0700
> Well, my group has come up with a fair amount of questions that I still
> haven't seen awnsers for here or on the newsgroup. I have mailed them to
> fasa, but would appriciate all of your opinoins. Lets see if we can get the
> same awnsers as fasa comes up with!

Well, here's my own (misinformed) opinion on them..

> Rob

> ----------
> > 1. For the challenges "Electric Fence" and "Fusion Gate",
it states on
> the
> > card that damage is done to target runners. but has no value in the
> "threat rating". When is this damage done? Before? After? or Simultaneos?
> the damage being done to the fence (it matters for things such as fatigue,
> and wether some runners even live to do damage!)?

(Electric Fence: If alarm is triggered, target runner takes 3 damage.)
(Fusion Gate: If Runner team fails to sleaze, the runners take 5 damage)

Both seem to be saying the same thing, only different. I would assume
that, because these are effects of the alarm being triggered, the damage
is done *after* the alarm and before combat.
You run up to the fence and .. zap.
Both could be made clearer, however.

> > 2. Can a runner with a conjure of 2, say, use two spirits for a run? Her
> > power would be reduced to 0, but both spirits could use thier power,
> > correct?

Spirits and drones "replace" their owner for the course of the Obstacle
(not run) - they bow, and instead of a 2/3 mage, you have a 6/6 spirit.
The shaman could use two spirits, but only on different obstacles
(unless there's a way to unbow.. er, unturn them?)

The conjuring skill limits the number of spirits the shaman can use in
one run, so if she was facing three challenges, she would only be able
to use spirits on two of them. The last one she has to face by herself

> > 3. This is a big one. For Gear that states outdoor (or indoor for that
> > matter), what exactly is the interplay with challenge and objectives. For
> > instance, there is some objectives that say no outdoor challenges. The
> > rotor drone says it may not be used on indoor challenges, and has the
> > outdoor trait. Can I use the drone on a challenge that is not indoor or
> > outdoor on this run, for instance the Lone Star Patrol? Does the no
> outdoor challenges restriction also restrict outdoor gear?

I've always assumed that if a Challenge card doesn't specify either one,
it can be used by any and both: you could have two shamans, one with a
City Spirit and one with a Nature spirit, and use them against the same
challenge (say, Astral Sentry, since someone mentioned that earlier.)

Outside of vehicles and spirits, I'm not aware of any gear that's
specifically outdoors/indoors, but I'd suppose it would follow the same

Interested in hearing the official rulings.. I want to see how close I


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.