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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Strago strago@***.com
Subject: Seattlers Part III (A Broken Brain)
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 02:05:12 -0500
This one's the first 17 chapters of Ulysses. Not much narrator here.

Steve Matthews drove down Kreason Street in the Puyallup district
looking for something. Where are they? They were supposed to be at
this street corner right now. Hope everything’s alright. Better drive
down to that corporate building and see. Turn here, ok now three
blocks now right here, God this place has a lot of Lone Star. Fraggin’
cops, always where they shouldn’t be.
The Lone Star vehicles were all ahead of Steve Matthews, but heading
in the same direction he was in. Abruptly his commlink crackled to
-Patch, man, you there?
Oh, Patch, my nickname, don’t know how I got it but I kinda like it.
And Odin’s the one who gave it to me.
-Odin, what do you need? I hope he’s not in trouble.
-Well, we kinda botched the break-in and now Lone Star’s after us.
We’re going to need immediate pickup. Do you read me.
-Yeah, I read you, I’m on my way.
Patch plugged the cord from his Vehicle Control Rig to the port on his
Citymaster. Then he jacked in. Hmm, low on fuel, I’ll need to get some
more after this pickup. Now for some juice put the pedal to the metal.
Go. His mental command was translated into action by the vehicle
control rig which made the Citymaster leap forward. It started to
catch up to the Lone Star cars and pass them, and then the
Roadmasters. Finally he was in front.
He saw his friends running in his direction. He honked his horn but
they swerved and ran down a cross street. Odd, better follow. He
screeched around the corner, barely missing smashing his rear right
fender against the building. He saw his friends and teammates running
up ahead stop. What’s wrong? Oh frag, helicopter. Better lay cover
Gun lift up. From the top of the Citymaster a whirring could be heard,
as the machine gun was lifted off the roof and the controllable
mini-turret swung into position. Fire. Thoughts translated into action
as bullets flew from the machine gun towards the helicopter. It slewed
to the right and began firing at the people in the alley.
That’s not right. Why aren’t they coming here? Better honk again and
keep firing. Oh, oh, concentration let up fired at the guys they ain’t
gonna be too happy with me open the commlink.
-Hey, you there? I’m in the end of the alley. You can come on board.
-Patch, you moron, get the frag out of here. You’re more of a danger
to us than to anyone else. And stop whistling!
Oh, I am whistling. The newest Ork Thrasher Band, Bashed Skullz.
Better stop though I need to think.
-What? What are you saying?
-Get the frag outta here or we’re going to blow you out of here.
Why would they say that? Better just do it for now back up slowly oh
there’s Lone Star. Right behind me blocking my way out. Have to go
forward. Fire at the helicopter to make it move then gun it. OK,
helicopter’s gone now move! The Citymaster flew forward at its maximum
acceleration and then THUD! THUD! THUD!
Something in the alley oh well better go home the long way. Drive down
this alley and then that street and get on highway 162 to start home
I’ll be back in thirty minutes and I can make the guys some soy. Wait
I hope I didn’t run them over. I think I did. Frag Lone Star! Turn
around. Go back. Make them pay for confusing me.
The Citymaster swerved around and drove back to where it had been.
Lone Star was checking the pockets of the three dead shadowrunners,
looking for what they had stolen. They found it and say the Citymaster
Ow, Ow, those bullets ping. Oh there goes a window. No not a rocket
launcher that’ll give me real pain. No ow my back. The Citymaster
swung out of control, flipped over, and stopped. Lone Star grabbed
Steve Matthews, unhooked him, and dragged him to a squad car which
drove away. No not jail anything but jail!


In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror,
murder, bloodshed - they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and
the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly
love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did they
produce? The cuckoo clock!
-Orson Welles

SRGC v0.2 !SR1 SR2+ SR3++ h b++ B- UB- IE+ RN+ SRFF W+ sa++ ma++ ad+
m+ (o++ d+) gm+ M P


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.